Chip and Cooter

Howdy, my name is Chip.

I am a rancher in the southeastern corner of Wyoming.

I live in a state that is still pretty young 
comparatively speaking, and I have seen or experienced 
a good deal of it’s history.  My background and hobbies 
have enabled me to learn and experience many of the 
things that make Wyoming unique.  
My family homesteaded here nearly a hundred years ago 
and we have grown with the young state.

My Dad remembers the day the U.S. Cavalry patrol stopped 
at the place to water their horses. They were out looking 
for a bunch of Souix Indians that had jumped the 
reservation and were out on a horse stealing raid.

When I was a young boy I met and talked with a very old 
Souix Indian.  He had been at the Battle Of The Little 
Big Horn, when Custer and his command were killed.  

He had been a young boy and was told to stay out of the 
fighting, he saw some of the battle from a nearby hill.

I have driven the old "Cheyenne to Deadwood Stagecoach" with an 8-horse hitch, lived in a Tipi, trapped beaver in cold mountain streams, hunted with a muzzle loading rifle, talked to my son during “Desert Storm” via satellite, and now I talk to my friends all over the world on this magic box. I guess when I look back on it, my life has been pretty eventful. I rode a horse 4 miles to a one room school between neighboring ranches. There was one other student and one teacher. It was 40 miles to high school and I graduated in the largest class in the history of the school. There were 13 of us.
I have met three United States Presidents, two cabinet officers, I don’t know how many senators and congressmen and I am not a politician. I’ve gotten drunk with, been in shooting contests with, been hunting and fishing with movie stars. I was trying to break up a bar fight one night, and a future Governor of Wyoming stood back to back with me, I hauled him and his wife around the state after he was elected.
My wife Linda and I were both in law enforcement for years. I was a Wyoming Highway Patrolman and my badge number was #25. Linda became a Deputy Sheriff and with a little coercion on my part with the Sheriff, she wound up with the same badge number as me....... #25.
The ranch is 40 miles from Cheyenne, Wyoming, and so quiet that there are times I can here the rumble of trains on tracks over 20 miles away.

I call this place "The High Lonesome." Linda and I have a hobby called "Buckskinning." It's the re-creation of the lifestyle and skills of the old mountain men of the 1820's and 30's. Now I spend my spare time visiting with my friends on the internet and writing stories about mountain men and cowboys and a feller named "Iggy." You can learn more about all of this by reading my stories below.
I've dug ditches and dinosaurs and worked at the United Nations. Some day I am going to retire and start riding the grub line again and meet all the wonderful people I have met on the internet.

You know when I get to thinking about it, it has been quite a ride. See ya down the trail!!!

"A Cowboy's Prayer"

© Iggy's Story

© Itchy And Her Name © Iggy And The Bear

In more recent stories about
"Iggy" and his adventures,
he has become a hard-bitten old ranch
hand on a modern ranch.

© Our Ranch Bunkies © Bunkhouse Christmas

© Iggy's Last Ride

© Spring Storm © Whoppers!

© Gunsights! © Ol Tree

© Just Returnin' The Favor

© Thanksgiving On The High Lonesome

© The Bloated Goat © The Canadian Trio

Cowboy Love Cowboy Up!

© Graybeard's Ramblin's © Christmas On The Prairie

Rings Awards

Chip's Links

"A man never stands so tall,
as when he stoops to help a child"

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

I want to thank a special lady, who liked my stories 
and insisted on creating this site so that others 
could read them.
Thanks "Twink" for your encouragement and this site.

Our thanks to Jay Smith of Georgia
for help with sequencers of the midi music.

The music that usually plays is from
"Dances With Wolves"
by John Barry
Sequenced by Stu Wright

Site created by:
"Twink's Ink"
September 18

© 2003 Chip Harding
