<BGSOUND SRC="/gpo_hasbeens/danceswithwolves_thm.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The GPO Has-Beens web pages are designed
and operated by R.A.Grasso, Sr.
for info contact RAGSdesign@aol.com
The GPO Has-Beens web pages are
designed and operated by R.A.Grasso, Sr.
for info contact RAGSdesign@aol.com
Who are Has-Been
God Bless America Again
Has-Beens America Wish
Intermission Explanation
Official Government stuff.
July 2008 Message Issue
June - July 4th  Message Page
GPO Veterans Memorial Page
Message Page of August 15
Thanksgiving November 2008
Message Page of September 29
Messages Pages can be  updated or changed at anytime, older pages are deleted frequently.
Necessary stuff; The music on our site; instrumental tunes are by the Has-Beens Orchestra which are public domain.
However, the other vocal songs on this site are copyrighted by the respective artist and are placed here for entertainment
purposes only. No profits are made on this site from their use. Please support these artists and purchase their music.
* This site features Artist Musical Entertainment
Merry Christmas 2008 Issue
Happy New Year Issue
February Valentine Issue
2009 St. Patrick Issue
2009 April Easter Message Page
Official Government stuff.
  RAGS Comment: Torture: Remember the large amount of people on the upper floors of the New York World Trade Center imprisoned in areas of those buildings. They had to wait and watch the flames and destruction overcoming them. The only choice they had was to jump to their death or the option to wait and die in the havoc of flames and destruction. American People please understand; “that’s real  Torture”.
   Now, look at how the Liberal Obama and his Administration leaders have weakened our Security tactics. They have discontinued tactics that are less harmful then most Fraternity initiation exercises.
   We don’t want to terrorize the enemy by getting their feet wet. . . Woo ‘Torture!
   Sorry people it appears we have the enemy amongst us and its Liberal. [Hey, look in the mirror is it you?]
Yea, Yea . . . Issue Coming Soon