<BGSOUND SRC="/ole_grisley/userfiles:/user/loveyou.mid">
Sandy was on her way home from school when she saw Tommy, the guy of her dreams, so she slowed down even tho she could not walk verry fast anyways as she had muscular dystrophy and it was a struggle just to get to her classes and home every day.
As she got closer to Tommy she said hi to him and Tommy and his friends just looked at her like she had the plague and made some rude comments.
So Sandy just smiled.
Sandy would never let them know that the word's and actions hurt her as she idolized Tommy.
When Sandy got home she turned on her computer and decided to chat for a while, At least there she was an equal and no one knew about her not being able to do all the things all the other's did.
Sandy was hoping her friend T_?? would be online and  they could talk.
He was haveing trouble with some of his classes and she was helping him so he could have a chance at college.
After a while T_?? came online and they talked about the different things that they liked to do, Sandy never had told T_?? about her muscular dystrophy as she did not want to lose his friendship.
T_?? had told Sandy that he was to shy to get to know the girls in his school and that he would love to someday meet Sandy as he felt that he really knew her and she was so easy to talk to and all.
Sandy told T_?? that she was afraid to meet anyone online because of all the bad stories that she had heard about people meeting online but maybe some day she would.
They did not even know that they both lived just blocks away from each other as they did not beleive in letting people online know where they lived.
The next day Sandy was going up the stairs to get to her class and Tommy and his friends started jeering her and telling her to get out of the way and let the real and whole people get by,
Sandy did not let them see the tears running down her cheeks  as the words hurt her deeply and she was thinking, why can't they be as nice as her friend T_?? online? But reality is not that way she knew.
That night T_?? and Sandy was talking as it was Fri even and neither one had dates and T_?? told Sandy that he wished she lived near him as he would love to take her out as he felt she was the sweetest girl he had met online and knew they would get along great.
Sandy thought about it but she knew that once he saw she had to wear braces and use canes to get around he would be ashamed to be seen with her just like the other'.
One night T_?? was telling Sandy that he would not be on the next night as his school was in the football championships  and he was going to the game. Sandy was surprised as her school was also in the the championships also.
The next night Sandy could hardly wait to tell T_?? that her school was the winner, but he beat her to it and told her his school was the winner.
Sandy just said congtrat's and did not even then tell T_?? that they was in the same school.
A few weeks later T_?? told Sandy that he was starting to have feelings for her and he knew that if they was  to meet he knew that they would be a couple as they got along so great and all.
Sandy finally said ok and they desided to meet at a local McDonnalds and he would know her because she would be wearing a lavender dress then she told T_?? that shje had to use canes.
He said so what I feel we need to meet.
So they met and Sandy was shocked when she met T_?? and found out he was Tommy the boy from her school.
Sandy just looked at him and said "oh it's you and I am the fool to think that you could be the nice guy online but in real you are not" and she walked away.
Tommy sat there shocked and remembered all the times he and his friends had jeered and hurt Sandy, and he was ashamed of himself for the way he had treated her as he knew from talking to her online she was the sweetest girl he knew.
The next day at school Sandy walked by Tommy and his friends and they started jeering her but Tommy just walked up to Sandy and said " I am truely sorry and hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to be your friend". He then took her books and walked her to class and did not even show any embaressment when his friends started calling him a geek lover and worse.
They was the best of friends for about 3 years then one day Tommy handed Sandy a ring and told her he loved her as no one could ever love anyone and asked her to marry him. Sandy said "YES" and they got married and even the guys who used to jeer her have said that they can truely see the love that radiates from them as they share a life together.

To see some of my pages of my poetry
email me at ole_grisley@yahoo.com
authorE.D.Tinkham email ole_grisley@yahoo.com