3 years old, I think, lol.
Now, at 41 years old.
 Welcome. I hope you enjoy my poems. All of them were written by me, as a means of releasing my most inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
 Some may be able to relate to what I write, some may not even so much as read them. Either way, they represent me, in every way possible, from my life as a child, entering my teen years, and now, through my adult years.
 My poems are a way of expressing myself, simply because, not every one listens to or understands me. For those that misunderstand, maybe reading my poems will help you to find a bit of forgiveness & understanding somewhere in your heart.
 For those of you who would like to know a bit more about the Pisces person, visit my other site at Pisces Info and for those who would like more info about other signs, visit AstroAdvice.
Then, if you like, try visiting one of my favorite sites, NetPoets. This is a site that others, like me, have shared their own hearts and souls.