Ekas & Associates/California License PI#19456

Local Napa/Sonoma County resident since 1973. During my high school years I became interested in law enforcement. My goal was to become a police officer. I went to Napa Valley College and earned my Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice, and attended the Police Academy. I was hired by the Sonoma Police Department and worked as a police officer for a number of years. I retired from police work in 1996. I earned my California Private Investigator's License in 1997 & I have been practicing as an investigator in the same area where I've lived most of my life. I earned my B.A. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Sonoma State University in 2007. I have strong ties to this area and I have many associates with ties to law enforcement, and criminal defense.

My areas of expertise are: Criminal Defense, Witness/Involved party Interviews, Surveillance, Employee Background Checks, Fraud, Worker's Comp., Subrosa, & AOE/COE.

California License #PI19456, Insured & bonded. Comparable hourly rates. For a free estimate email rekas@vom.com or Ekas & Associates PO Box 66 Glen Ellen, CA 95442. your_index_page

© 2006 rekas@vom.com