Howl! Let
me introduce my self. My name is
“Kalli Mystic Aurora”.
I was born
on June 19th, 1999.
I’m a Wolfdog ! Where I
was born, it was
very warm. I’m not
sure of the name
of the place, except that it’s in the south
My parents names are “Baby” &“Prancer”.
And I have
2 brothers & 4 sisters and a
very special “Auntie
Pandora” !
One day my human
Mama held me up in front of this silly
looking thing they
called a camera. “What’s a camera
Mama?” Little
did I know at that moment that
it would make my
life somewhat different then the lives of
some wolfdogs.
Well anyway the next thing yaknow,
my human Mama tells
me.....”You’ll be getting a
new Mommy and she’s
going to take you to a place where
there’s snow”.
“MMMMM, what’s snow Mama?”
In late August,
two people whom I’d never seen before
appeared at my
home. I soon found out it was my
new Mama &
Daddy. The Mama picked me up and
started to tell
me how “darn cute” I was! “Oh, look at her,
she’s adorable,
what a face”. Well, with what my first
Mama had taught
me, I gave this new Mama lots &
lots of woofie
smoochies all over her face. In return
I was hugged &
kissed and felt this feeling of love &
caring from her.
Then my new Daddy held me and I
figured I better
lay some smoochies on him too ! Then I
settled down in
his arms and felt the same feelings
from him as I did
Mama. I then thought to
I think I like this new
Mama & Daddy
I was given the
Inut indian name “Kalli” which means
This name was choosen in honor of the special friend that brought Mama
& Daddy into a new
world...The Wolfdog.
Well, the next
morning Mama & Daddy picked me up and
we started out
on a very long journey *phew, no jokin’
here*. They
were very proud of the way I behaved
for such a little
furbaby. When we arrived at my new
home where I met
another new family member named
Boy was she EVER furry! She checked
me out and I her.
Then we decided we would engage in
some playtime.
We had wonderful fun, but I was
told by Schmedley
that...”I’m the Alpha here, got it
Be a good furkid and we’ll get along
just fine”.
Well, I knew things would be kewl cause,
she let me snuggle
next to her for a snooze.
We also have another
furkid in the house, her name is
“Zoe”. But
she’s awfully small. I think I remember
these things they
call “cats” from my old home. This
Zoe character is
fun to chase! Sometimes she even
chases me...go
figure. And other times she trys to take
a snooze and I
sneak up behind her for the rear attack
tactic but she’s
says...”Touch my rear furkid and it’s all
over!” Geez,
is she moody!
My family has lots
of humans around. There’s these 2 girls
called “teenagers”
& 2 young boys. The one boy likes to
play what he calls
“Scooter Butt” with me.
It’s really, really
fun! We chase each other around the
house, hide one
on each opposite side of a wall & stop.
Then we switch
directions at the same time and start
the chase again.
Of course though, I have to take
a detour just to
throw him off sometimes *sneaky me*.
gets everyone to roar with
laughter !!
Well, I’m 7 months
old now and getting to be a big girl
Mama says.
I weight 51 lbs., 22 inches height at shoulders
and 23 inches from
shoulders to butt long. I heard
Mama & Daddy
telling the loving members of this
family that they
have to be ‘responsible' care givers to
me just as they
are to the other furkids of the house”.
Also I heard
from them all how much they love me and
will always take
good care of me.
This makes me very
happy !!!
Daddy & the
kids built Schmedley & I a new kennel. I was a
very big help in
removing twigs and bulldozing the ground to
put the dig-proof
wire down. Andbefore ya knew it, it was done and all were happy that
I had a secure place to play
and rest in at
times. I spend a lot of time in the house
with everyone and
have become quiet spoiled as Daddy &
Mama say.
This makes me feel very loved. I
have lots of toys
but, my favorite is my purple stuffed
squeaky bunny.
Auntie Pandora’s Mama calls it the
“Energizer Bunnies
Evil Twin” because Mama told her
and others that
I do this crazy spinning act with him *don’t
know why they think
it crazy, I think it’s FUN !*
Daddy &
I have a wonderful time together when we play
ring around the
rosie with this bunny. He hides it on me in
his lap and I have
to try and get it. Spending this kind
of time with the
ones that love me lots is GREAT!!!!
how my first Mama told me of this stuff called
“snow”? Well,
I was *hehehe* jumping around in 8
inches of the fresh
snow like a jack rabbit when
Mama was trying
to take pictures of me the other day.
This stuff is a
blast ! It’s cold and wet but, I LOVE
IT !!! Schmedley
& I have all kinds of fun in it.
And when I come
in from outside I have to get my paws
wiped Mama says.
Feels good?
And I’ve even found
a favorite snoozie place of my own.
Its on the hearth
of the fireplace where it’s very roastie
They have made me feel very loved
here in this new
home & I wouldn’t give them up for the
What Kalli has brought
into our home and to the rest of
Schmedley’s lifetime
is the feeling of joy, love & laughter.
This is a
new experience for this family of
Kalli’s and we
have found it to be very rewarding !!
I hope that
in the future we can help to bring these
feelings that Kalli
has to other wolfdogs that are
not as fortunate
at she is now. With being a RESPONSIBLE breeder, we were placed
with Kalli who
is a LOW CONTENT Wolfdog.
Which in my opinion
is the smartest and easiest way
of learning !
Many times people are lied to and placed
with a Mid to High
content wolfdog , not knowing what
may become of the
situtation and ending up returning
them to the breeder,
abandoning them or worse yet,
letting them run
loose. And please if anyone out there
that reads this
is planning on bringing a wolfdog into
their lives, I
beg of you to be a
that the rest of
the wolfdogs of this world can live out
their lives as
happily as Kalli is !! Kalli, we will
love you ALWAYS
Love Mama
Thank You Cherowolf
for our Kalli !