Hello and thank you for stopping by today! We may or may not have met in person, but you have become a valued friend. We met in cyberspace, and you came into my life across my screen. We share laughter, sorrows and joys; and have developed a bond and a friendship as true as any. You are always there for me with understanding and encouraging words. On the days when I can't stand the pain, I look to my screen and there you are recharging my spirit again. I am so grateful to have you as my E-friend, and my real true friend. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for caring.
Permission to use Two people are better than one, A part of you has grown in me Sometimes in life, you find a special friend: someone who changes your life by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship...
When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you, and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything will be ok.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete, because you need not worry. You have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end. by Carlo Mantini
Many people will walk in and out of your life, Friends are the unforgettable people ~ MYSTY'S HEARTLAND INDEX ~
Lyn, thank you sooooo much for this beautiful globe!! It is very special to me for many reasons.. This candle shines in memory of
These pages are for you, my friends
On these pages you will be able to place
your favorite poetry on friendship, favorite sites,
special dedications and tributes
to your friends and loved ones,
and link everyone to your own websites!
Be sure to e-mail me (see the bottom of page)
with what you would like to include on our pages here
Oh! and please sign the guestbook
by Donna R
because they get more done by working together
If one falls down, the other can help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
Together forever we shall be
Never apart
Maybe in distance
But not in heart
but only true friends
will leave footprints in your heart
To handle yourself use your head,
To handle others use your heart
we dreamed and planned great futures with,
who accepted as we were
and encouraged us to become
all that we wanted to be
Cherished Friend
Smile And Dance!!
Let's Dance!!
Links To Friends Pages
Memory of Rhea Nicole and Ashley Marie
Remembering Rhea Nicole and Ashley Marie
Family United ~ Memorial
In Memory of Kaitlyn Marie and Marianne Brittany
Honoring My 13 Baby Angels
Links To Angel Friends Memorials
Main Index To All My Pages
Recovering With God's Help
My Poetry
Help In Healing
One ~ it is the angel you made to represent me in my bio
Two ~ because of the rainbow and the special meaning with it
~*more smiles*~
Three ~ it was made just for me by my big Sis!!
~*big toothy grins*~
I am overwhelmed by your generosity, compassion, and love that you show to me.. You are teaching me the true meaning of Forever Friendship. For this, for everything you've done for me, and for all that you are to me I thank you from the bottom of my heart..
You are an angel sent to me from God!
all my 13 Angel babies.
On December 10, at 7:00 pm in every time zone
candles were lit all over the world in honor of our Angels on
National Children's Memorial Day.
What a priviledge it is that Mysty's Heartland has been chosen to be listed among the Heartland Select!! We are now in the Family category, as well as the Memorial category. Thank you all so very much for this!! ~*big toothy grins*~ Please click on either of the Logos above, and you will be able to see other Heartland homestead's by category! You'll see why I love being a Heartland homesteader!!
Please click on the logo above to visit an online support community for anyone in need of support. Our members sites include sites that offer support, information and resources for many topics. Mom's, Dad's and Kids can all find something of interest at Angels on the Net!
I am delighted to accept this award today ~ 12/28/1999
A great big {{ HUG }} to Lyn and Deb
Without you, none of this would be possible
Thank you sooooo very much for this beautiful award Janis!
Please click on the award to visit her lovely Graphic Shoppe
~ Designs by Janis ~
Thank you SO MUCH for this award Pam!! What a total surprise it was to me to be notified on 1-8-2000, that Mysty's Heartland had won this lovely Angel Award!! It is given "In Recognition of Dedicated Loving Service from StarAngel". I understand that there is very strict criteria, and Mysty's Heartland is only the 4th recipient of this coveted award ever ~ out of the hundreds of websites viewed.. I am honored and very pleased to accept this award Pam! And a great big {{HUG}} and thanks to you Lyn and Deb ~ Without your help, this website would not be a reality.. Please click on the award to visit
Pam's "Loving Domain of Kindness"!!
I am delighted to accept this award today ~ 6/28/2000 Please sign my new guestbook!
A great big {{ HUG }} to Lyn and everyone else who has helped me learn how to create webpages. This is the first page that I have made, and I don't know who is more exhausted, me or those who have answered my endless questions! *BIG GRINS* Without all of you, my dream for having my own websites would not be a reality, so thank you, my dear friends!
{{ HUGS and SMILES }}
Thank you sooooo very much for this beautiful award Rita! Please click on the award to visit her lovely site. You can see the other beautiful awards that she has made, and can join her webring:
"For All Angels Up Above"
Thanks again Rita for this award, and for all your help!
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This webpage was born of love in 12/99
Counter began on 12/5/99
Midi Song Playing:
"That's What Friends Are For"
I do not necessarily endorse everything
which is placed on the banner below...
~ Daphne ~