Our family cottage

Our family cottage...

...is for rent!

~ 2009 - 50th Anniversary Year ~

View of our cottage from the grassy patio at water's edge.

View of the grassy patio and the Bay of Quinte along Adolphus Reach.

View of the water from the front window.

Summer 2007 view along east side of our cottage.

Pre-season look west from firepit area, showing new dock and swim raft.

Looking southeast where sailboats linger in summer months (dock not yet installed in photo).

Many winged friends, including loons, robins, ducks, blue jays, swans, swallows, geese and cranes are also cottagers...

Living room looking west.

Living room at night.

Looking north into the cottage kitchen.

Regular stove and oven plus microwave oven. Coffeemaker, too.

Looking south into front room (12' X 32') and through the front windows from the kitchen.

The dining table sits six (and 2 to 4 more with the leaf inserted).

The master bedroom has a Queen-size bed, the north-west bedroom has a double bed, and the junior bedroom has a single bed. Fully insulated for both sound and temperature.

Completely new bathroom in 2006.

The back door (roadside) entrance to the cottage.

View the front room from east to west on Youtube! (double left-click)

Our cottage is located at #402 on the Bayshore Road (at the water side of the "B" on this Google map), a very quiet country road. The Bayshore Road, part of the original road between Kingston and Toronto dating back to 1798, loops south off the Loyalist Parkway (Hwy. #33) and along the shoreline of the Bay of Quinte along Adolphus Reach. The road is lined with apple orchards and historic Loyalist farms with horses and cattle. Our cottage is one of very few cottages, and now the only cottage rented along the two-mile waterfront road.

On this rendering, the Bayshore Road surrounds the hyphenated name 'Adolphustown' and the cottage is located south of the 'w'.

View Larger Map with detailed directions in new window

Here (marked in blue) is the route from Hwy 401 at Napanee to the Daverne Family Cottage.

Locate with your GPS: 402 Bayshore Road, Greater Napanee

Comments from past renters:

A miscellany of answers to frequently asked questions about the cottage, and area:

2009 availability:

"Thanks for visiting our family's cottage website. Please come back and visit again!"
If you wish to rent, or want more details,
contact Bill by email (preferred) at Daverne@sympatico.ca
or phone 613-354-4562.

webpage most recent revision
April 16, 2009

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two website adddresses get you here:

