<BGSOUND SRC="/maryw_36/i_feel_good.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Boynton Family
Corley Family
Puckett Family
Rudkin Family
Sims Family
Ware Family
Corley and Ware Ancestors
(includes surnames Allison, Bayley, Boynton, Brewerton, Bruerton, Corley, Danvers, Darston, Davis, Denton, Evans, Grimsby, Harrison, Higgins, Hovis, Hunt, Kennellar, Langston, Mangrum, McDonald, Phillips, Puckett, Rudkin, Rump, Sims, Stacy, Ware, Worrell, and connected lines)
Pretty Woman
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World War I Letters

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. . . A MUST DO . . .

If you want to have the time of your life take a day trip, weekend trip, or even a week trip with your daughter(s) and granddaughter(s).  Grandmother is an excited tag-along, daughter knows how to get it done with a bang, and granddaughter adds that wonderful, carefree fun with an exclamation point!

Try it, you will never forget it.
                 - The grandmother
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