Welcome to my Web Page

Hi everyone!

My name is Mark, and I finally decided
to build a web page
about my families adventure's.

I'm happily married, 50 years old,
enjoy camping, walking, motorcycle riding,
hiking and fishing.

I would rather be fishing or riding on the
motorcycle, but someone has to pay the bills!

I've lived in Illinois, Wisconsin and
now in Washington State.

Please be patient with me, while I
learn how to do this.

I hope to list great fishing and
hiking links, for your information!

Also, my wife will be writing stories about
our Gold Wing motorcycle trips.

Tight lines and safe riding!

Mark and Family

Gold Wing Trips

Fishing & Hiking

This Page Designed by Mark
**Homepage DisclaimerCopyright2005-Present All Rights Reserved**
(Updated 2/2009)