Welcome to Our Midwestern Home Page!
Welcome!  We thought you'd like to catch up with our latest adventures.  Here's some photos of our latest activities and trips.  Enjoy!
The Latest Websites!
* Prom 2007
Old Websites! (Some Under Construction...)
* Oldies but goodies! (album-oldies)
* June 2004 Graduation! (2004-06-Graduation)
* J
une 2004 Ceasar's Creek Bike Trip (0406Bike)
* J
an-Feb 2004 (0402Misc)
Christmas 2003 (0312Xmas)
Flight-seeing Trip in October, 2003 (0310Flight)
May 2003 (0305Misc)
* Easter 2003 and Winter Stuff (0312Year)
* Christmas 2002 (0212Xmas)
Shots of the New & Old Vans, and other Shots from Around the House! - 2004 (0406FunShots)
* What the kids have been up to! - 2002 (0207Camp)
* Shots from our family vacation - 1998 (9808Summer)
* Shots from around the house - 1996 (9607House)
Summer 2005
Fall Soccer 2005
Fall 2005
Other Cool Websites!
Here's a link to Doris' Watercolor Home Page
A's Soccer Team  - Here's a link to A's Soccer TeamHome Page
The Baron - See Photos of our Twin!
Flying Neutrons - Here's a link to Bart's Flying Club Home Page - See Photos of our Planes!
Blue Ash Meteors - Here's a link to Bart's Other Flying Club Home Page - See Photos of our Planes!
Here's a link to Learn More About General Aviation
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