Welcome to my Guestbook!

RONALD F HOLMES - 08/26/00 15:23:12
My Email:rfholmes@excite.com
Birth Parent?: Lawerence Holmes
Birth Relative?: Henry H Holmes
Surname Searching For: Holmes- (1860-1960)
State Searching: Maine & Canada


Bonnie Mullins - 07/27/00 14:08:26
My Email:pinkpanther1@look.ca
Adopted?: yes
Searching?: yes
Surname Searching For: Holmes

Hi BJ LOL Bonnie

Toni Dobyns - 02/21/00 16:39:01
My URL:http://dobynsworld.homestead.com/pageone.html
My Email:tsd529@hotmail.com
Adopted?: yes
Searching?: yes
Surname Searching For: Elizabeth Ann Holmes
State Searching: Virginia (?)


ann coons - 12/14/99 05:49:03
My Email:toohottswf2HOTMAIL
Adopted?: NO

annarita coons, tammy loyst,jason lyte and bonnie all live in oshawa so do all the kids. i believe judy's last name is nootchitai

DeRhonda - 11/30/99 18:02:17
My Email:DrMarney@bellsouth.net
Adopted?: no

I just wanted to say hi and good luck on your search. I miss you. And I want to talk to you about something concerning adoption.

Sabrina - 11/23/99 06:27:04
My URL:http://home.beseen.com/support/kittenslabyrinth
My Email:kalicokittens@hotmail.com
Adopted?: yes
Searching?: not at the moment

Hi there. I hope that you are doing well. I have somehow lost track of you. Please email me sometime. site is looking good- how is the search going/ Love ya, Sabrina

Donald Nootchtai - 08/26/99 00:09:56


Judy Nootchtai - 08/26/99 00:08:41
Adopted?: Yes
Birth Relative?: Sister


Tanya Nootchtai - 08/24/99 01:53:40
My Email:Tashmaster@yahoo.com
Birth Relative?: Neice

Hi BJ liked the site will E-Mail you with info on us.

SLS613 - 07/11/99 20:41:29
My Email:sls613
Searching?: bfather
State Searching: IL

Great job on your familytree.

JoAnne Stanik - 07/08/99 04:01:53
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/tucson47/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:Tucson47@aol.com
Adopted?: No
Birth Parent?: Hubby is birthfather
Birth Relative?: No
Searching?: 10/2/53 female
Surname Searching For: Baby Girl Travis
State Searching: Indiana

Great job BJ..........I can't believe all the information and the work you have invested in this family tree. It appears you know more about your own family than I do mine....LOL. I know that you are on the verge of finding your last 2 brothers and it i just a matter of time. Good luck in your search and good luck to both of us in our new business. JoAnne

heather - 07/07/99 21:14:17
My Email:Hi-Love!@Minnesota.com
Adopted?: yes

hi Sweety!

Sabrina and REN - 07/06/99 03:19:06
My Email:krystalan@hotmail.com
Adopted?: yes
Searching?: not seriously
State Searching: Canada

Like your page and I wish you all the best in finding your brothers and with your new business. Love ya lots Sabrina

Eddy D - 07/06/99 01:35:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~bronxbigboy/index.html
My Email:bronxbigboy@yahoo.com
Adopted?: no
Birth Parent?: Luz D S
Searching?: no
Surname Searching For: n/a
State Searching: n/a

Hello B J Wow... Sounds like a challanging career. I wish you all the BEST! I congradulate your honesty and your willingness to turn a negative situation around to something positive to help people with. I know it will help many people find their lost siblings.

JoAnne Stanik - 07/04/99 22:34:24
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/tucson47/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:Tucson47@aol.com
Adopted?: No
Searching?: Hubby daughter
Surname Searching For: Travis
State Searching: Indiana

Great Job BJ I am so proud of you! I'm disappointed though that I am #4 on your counter.....LOL......I wanted to be #1. Take Care JoAnne

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