John Brown Gordon

John B. Gordon, son of the Rev. Zachariah Herndon Gordon and Mrs. Malinda Cox Gordon, was born in Upson County, Febuary 6th 1832. He attended a rural school in Walker County, Pleasant Green Academy in LaFayette, and the University of Georgia. He left the University in his senior year to study law under the noted Logan E. Bleckley, but soon gave up the practice of law to join his father in a coal mining operation in North west Georgia.

At the beginning of the War Between the States, John B. Gordon organized a company of mountaineers who wore coonskin caps and called themselves "The Raccoon Roughs." When his company was merged with the 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment of the Confederate Army, Captain Gordon was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment. Early in 1862 he became a Colonel and later that year had fought up to the rank of Brigadier General. On May 14,1864, he was promoted to Major General and had been recommended for the rank of Lieutenant General when the war ended, at which time he was in command of half of the Army of Northern Virginia. Douglas Southall Freeman, in "Lee’s Lieutenants," wrote: "If the final order of march had been arranged to honor those who had fought hardest and with higher distinction during the last days of the war Gordon rightly would have been put first." In 1873 General Gordon was elected to the United States Senate. He was re-elected in 1878, but resigned in 1880 to develop mining and railroad interests. In 1886 he was elected Governor of Georgia and re-elected in1888. At the end of his second term he was sent to the United States Senate for the third time, serving from 1891 to 1897. He died on January 9, 1904 while visiting his son, Hugh Haralson Gordon in Miami. He is buried in Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta.

The scene on the left side of the monument is a molded bronze tablet with him standing in the center holding on to a Confederate Battle flag that appears to be draped over a chair. There are two ladies seated on pedestals facing him. The one to the right of him has the seal of Georgia under her and the lady to the left has the seal of the United States under her. Under that is inscribed, "Governor Patriot and Senator."

This equestrian statue stands at Capitol Square.

Magnolia Tree

This Magnolia tree is located at the back of the Capitol. Under the tree is a plaque which reads:

"To the memory of William Ambrose Wright born at Louisville, Georgia, January 19, 1844; died at Atlanta, Georgia, September 13, 1929; Soldier, Statesman, and Christian Knight: a Gallant Officer in the Army of the Confederate States of America; for fifty years Comptroller General of the common wealth, guardian of its honor, and its people's friend, a gentleman in whom lived the graces, the virtue and the heroism of the old south: this tree is lovingly planted, and this tablet reverently inscribed by the Atlanta Ladies Memorial Association, January 19,1930.

This tree is on the corner of MLK,Jr. Drive and Capitol Street.


The rail line center between Whitehall and the river was known as Terminus from 1837-1843. Later it was named Marthasville to honor Governor Wilson Lumpkin. In this spot set apart by the city is the grave of Martha Lumpkin Compton. August 25, 1827-February 13, 1917. She was the wife of Thomas M. Compton and the daughter of Governor Wilson Lumpkin and his wife Annis Hopson Lumpkin. In honor of this lady Atlanta was once named Marthasville.


This monument is located in Piedmont Park. It depicts the Angel of Peace holding an olive branch in her left hand as she appears to a Confederate soldier getting ready to fire his gun. She announces "Peace is proclaimed". The monument came about because of the Gate City Guard.
The Gate City Guard was first organized on January 8, 1857 in Atlanta, Georgia. They were named after the city of Atlanta which bore the cognomen "Gate City". Following the War Between the States during the Reconstruction period, many Confederates went North not knowing if they would be cordially received or not. Among them were members of the Gate City Guard. The spirit of peace and friendship shown by the North was not forgotten.The Old Guard was organized in 1893 as a separate organization. It was chartered on May 27, 1910 and named "Old Guard of the Gate City Guard". They decided to erect a monument to commemorate their "Mission of Peace" after the War Between the States. The monument was dedicated on October 10, 1911 with veterans wearing gray and veterans wearing blue standing united as the monument was unveiled. The front tablet reads:

"The Gate City Guard"
"Captain G. Harvey Thompson".
"In the conscientious conviction of their duty to uphold the cause of the Southern Confederacy, offered their services to the Governor of Georgia, and were enrolled in the Confederate Army, April 3rd, 1861".
"Inspired with the same sincerity of purpose, and accepting in good faith the result of that heroic struggle.:
"The Gate City Guard"
"Captain Joseph F. Burke".
"Desiring to restore fraternal sentiment among the people of all sections of our country, and ignoring sectional animosity, on October 6th, 1879, went forth to greet their former adversaries in the Northern and Eastern States, inviting them to unite with the people of the South to heal the nation's wounds in a peaceful and prosperous reunion of the States. This "Mission of Peace" was enthusiastically endorsed by the military and citizens in every part of the Union, and this Monument is erected as an enduring testimonial to their patriotic contribution to the cause of national fraternity."
"Dedicated October 10, 1911 by Hoke Smith, Governor of Georgia and Simeon E. Baldwin, Governor of Connecticut.

The South tablet contains the names of the Citizens Committee and Chamber of Commerce Committee. The North Tablet contains the names of the Old Guard Monument Committee and the "Old Guard General Committee". The East Tablet contains the names of the Governors, Mayors and Councils and Military Organizations that endorsed the Guards "Mission". These names will be furnished upon request.

To the Atlanta Pioneer Women


Bronze Plaque

Piedmont Park

A woman sits at a spinning wheel on this bronze plaque. On the back of the granite boulder it reads: "In honor of the Atlanta women of the sixties and to keep alive the traditions of the South. The Atlanta Pioneer Women’s Society." "President, Mrs. Jos. E. Morgan,1909-1924, Mrs. J. Sid Holland, 1924, Mrs. Madison Bell 1924-1926, Mrs. R. G. Thompson 1926-1928, Mrs. Kate S. Logue 1928-1932, Mrs. Harry Morgan 1932-1934, Mrs. Lola Walker Clements1934-1938.

Erected in 1938 during the administration of Pres., Mrs. Lola Walker Clement, V.Pres. Mrs. I. N. Ragsdale, Mrs. J. H. Cowles, Sec., Mrs. W. A Rapp, Mrs. Elizabeth Fleck, Treas., Miss Rose Hubner, Hist., Miss Sara Huff, Creed, Miss Annie Forsyth, Programs, Mrs. Robert Blackburn. "Lest We Forget"

Margaret Mitchell
"Gone With the Wind"

This website would be remiss without the mention of Margaret Munnerly Mitchell, born in Atlanta, November 8,1900. She was the daughter of Maybelle and Eugene Muse Mitchell and the wife of John Robert Marsh. Margaret Mitchell was cut down in the prime of her life August 16,1949 while crossing the street in Atlanta. Her acclaimed story set in the war torn south won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel "GONE WITH THE WIND" based on the "War Between the States." Her father was President of the Atlanta Historical Society, therefore, Margaret was steeped in history. She was educated at Washington Seminary and Smith College and began to write for the Atlanta Journal in 1922. She resigned in 1926 and devoted herself to writing fiction based on stories told to her by her family and friends. The result was her 1936 romantic novel of Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler. It has since become one of the best selling novels of all time. The popular movie of the same name was released in 1939.
Margaret Mitchell's Home is located at Tenth and Peachtree Street
Her burial site is in Oakland Cemetery.

Henry Woodfin Grady

This statue is on Marietta Street N.W. and Forsyth Street N.W. There is a brass rail around the bottom between the corner stones with lion heads on each corner. Engraved on the Monument is: "HENRY W. GRADY", below that it reads: " Journalist, Orator, Patriot, Editor of the Atlanta Constitution. Born Athens, Georgia, May 24th 1850. Died in Atlanta December 23rd 1889. Graduated at the State University in the year 1868. He never held or sought public office." "When he died he was literally loving a nation into peace." Below that it reads: "HENRY W GRADY". There is a brass plate at the bottom on which is engraved: "This tablet placed here by the Central Marietta Street Association on the occasion of the formal designation of this junction of the city as 'Henry Grady Square' December 20, 1929." There is another plaque that reads: "Marietta Island / Henry Grady Statue beautification project dedicated September 17,1981, city of Atlanta Downtown Treehill Kishman Steyer property."

Another brass plaque reads: "Rededication; the Henry Grady monument was restored as part of the Marietta Street Pedestrian corridor; the Corporation for the Olympic development 1996. Made possible through the generous contributions of Bank South.

There is a lady on either side of the statue in bronze she is sitting on a bench with a foot stool. On the foot stool is engraved: "Gorham Manufacturing Co. Founders." The lady is holding a wreath. Engraved: "This hour little needs the loyalty that is loyal to one section and yet holds the other in enduring suspicion and estrangement. Give us the broad and perfect loyalty that loves and trusts Georgia alike with Massachusetts~that knows no South, no North, no East, no West; but endures with equal and patriotic love every foot of our soil, every State in our Union." "Boston, December 1889" Under this is engraved: "The citizen standing in the doorway of his home-contended on his threshold – his family gathered about his hearthstone- while the evening of a well spent day closes in scenes and sounds that are dearest he shall save the republic when the drum taps is frugal." "University of Virginia, June 23, 1880. Journalist and Orator he attempted to lessen tension between the North and the South. He coined the phrase "The New South".

Joseph Emerson Brown
War Governor of Georgia

This monument is of Joseph Emerson Brown, War Governor of Georgia, Patriot, Statesman, and Christian. He was born April 15,1821 and died November 30,1894. Joseph Brown served as Governor of Georgia for four terms, from 1857-1865, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia from 1868-1870, United States Senator from Georgia 1880-1891. He was founder of the Charles McDonald Brown Scholarship Fund at the University of Georgia.

Elizabeth Grisham Brown, wife of Joseph Emerson Brown, was born July 13,1826 and died December 26,1896; Devoted Wife, Loving Mother, Loyal Patriot, A Christian Obedient to God.

There is a bronze scene on the north side of the monument which is a replica of the Battle of Dug Gap May 8,1864. On the back there is a bronze plaque of the State Seal of Georgia, 1799. A Bronze scene on the south side scene depicts the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, June 27,1862.

The statue was placed on the Capitol grounds in 1928. It was sculpted by I. D. Dumley and G. Morett.

Colliers Mill

Between Collier and Redland Roads North of Atlanta 150 ft. down stream, on the right bank of Tanyard Branch, stood an ante-bellum grist mill built and operated by Andrew J. Collier, pioneer resident of this area. (1828-1887). A notable landmark at the time of the Battle of Peachtree Creek July 20, 1864. It stood, not only at the center of Federal troop alignment along Collier Road., but was the storm center of the conflict that raged here, since the stream valley was a strategic approach to the Federal center toward which the Confederate forces (Walthall’s & Loring’s division of Stewart’s Corps) made their heaviest attacks.

These are mill stones from Andrew Jackson Collier’s Mill which stood 60 feet downstream from this ridge over Tanyard branch. "Few battle fields of the war have been strewn so thickly with dead and wounded as they lay that evening around Collier’s mill." Major Gen. J. D Cox

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