Our Family's Key Bible Verse for the Year is: "For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and then helping you do what he wants" Philippians 2:13 (TLB)
Romulus and Remus from History Stories of Other Lands - by Arthur Guy Terry
Joseph Haydn from Music Appreciation Reader Book Four by Hazel Gertrude Kinscella
Roger Williams from The Beginners American History by D.H. Montgomery 1892
A little about us.....
This year we are continuing to Use Making Math Meaningful by Cornerstone Curriculum. Both boys really enjoy this program! It has been challenging to our 11 year old who is in Level 6. He also has been working through "Hands-On Equations Learning Systems" by Henry Borenson Ed.D. This is a fantastic program for teaching algerbraic linear equations to elementary school children.
For more information on the Classical Method and Homeschooling Check out The Well Trained Mind and Classical Homeschooling Our favorite resource supplier is Lifetime Catalog Lifetime is the best place to find in print (and some out of print) "living" books that fit the Christian Homeschoolers needs.
We are always reading "Living Books". We are using American History for Young Students II by TruthQuest History. Michelle Miller has put a wonderful program together using the best in living books and her commentary and insight on relating all of history to God's ultimate Sovereighty is priceless!
For Science we are using Great Science Adventures by Valerie Bendt by Great Science Adventures.
Our oldest is working on his 3nd year of Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek by Greek 'n' Stuff. Our younger son has just started level One. This has been their favorite subject!
I have chosen to use a variety of resources to design our own program that will focus on Art Appreciation of Artwork of the time period we are studying and hands-on artwork.
Come On over and View my Ebay Auctions of in print and especially Out Of Print "Living Books" and "Collectable Books"
Index to MY BOOKHOUSE 1971 Edition by Olive Beaupre Miller
Index to PICTURESQUE TALES OF PROGRESS 9 VOL. SET by Olive Beaupre Miller
Copy work ideas- coming soon