The Ashland County, OH McQuates

I have identified four separate McQuate lines that moved into Ashland County during the decade between 1870 and 1880.  These four lines are as follows:

1.  Henry McQuate (b. 1826) and wife Mary Garman (b. 1827):  Henry and family are shown in the 1850, 1860, and 1870 census data as residing in Lebanon County, PA.  In 1880, Henry, his wife, and three children appear in the Montgomery Township, Ashland County census data as follows:  Henry (54), Mary (52), Susan (17), Henry Jr. (14), and Emma (11).  I have not been able to connect Henry directly to my g-g-g grandfather Peter McQuate from Lancaster County, PA, but I feel certain that he was somehow related.  Henry, Mary, and two of their children are buried in Dickey Cemetery; a listing of Ashland County headstone inscriptions provides the following information for this family:

a Henry McQuate 15 Feb 1826 – 29 Mar 1899
b Mary Garman McQuate 11 Nov 1827 – 24 Mar 1903
c Amanda McQuate Fike 1851 – 1927
d Caroline McQuate Sealer 1860 – 11 Jun 1885

     I have been in touch with a descendant of Henry and Mary Garman McQuate and we have been attempting to piece this line together, but we have still a long way to go.

2.     Samuel McQuate (b. 1846) and wife Lucy Funk (b. 1843):  Samuel was the grandson of my g-g-g grandfather Peter McQuate and son of William McQuate (b. about 1820).  During the Civil War, Samuel served in the Cavalry with the 21st Regiment, Company G, PA Volunteers.  Samuel is included in the 1860 census data for West Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, PA.  In 1880, he surfaces in Montgomery Township, Ashland County.  When Samuel moved to OH, he left behind in Schoeneck, PA, an illegitimate offspring by the name of Ida McQuate (b. about 1868), daughter of Mary Rich/Reich.  The 1880 OH census provides the following information for Samuel and family:  Samuel (34), Lucy (35), and Watson (17).  Samuel and wife Lucy are buried in Ashland City Cemetery and their headstones provide the following information:

a Samuel McQuate 20 Aug 1846 – 19 Jan 1924
b  Lucy Funk McQuate 28 Apr 1843 – 17 Feb 1902

I have no information on any descendants of Samuel McQuate and Lucy Funk; Watson McQuate remains a complete mystery to me.

3.     Isaac McQuate (b. 1831) and Fanny S. (b. 1841):  Isaac was the grandson of Peter McQuate, my g-g-g grandfather, and the son of John McQuate, my g-g grandfather.  During the Civil War, he served in Independent Battery C (Thompson’s Artillery Battery) and Battery L, 204th Regiment, Fifth Artillery, PA Volunteers.  The 1870 census locates Isaac and family in Warwick Township, Lancaster County, PA.  By 1880, Isaac has moved to Montgomery County, Ashland County, OH.  The 1880 census contains the following entries for Isaac and family:  Isaac (48), Fanny (39), Lemon (12), Alice (11), Benjamin (6), Ellen (5), Monroe (4), and John (8 months).  Isaac later moved to Congress Township, Wayne County, OH, where he, his wife, and several children and grandchildren are buried in Burbank Cemetery.  Headstone inscriptions provide the following information for this family:

a Isaac McQuate 1831 – 1902
b Fanny S. McQuate 1841 – 1907
c Alice McQuate 1869 – 1917
d John McQuate 1879 – 1961
e Mary McQuate (John’s wife) 1880 – 1963
f Infant son of (d) & (e) 1912
g Infant daughter of (d) & (e) 1909

Monroe is buried in Maple Mound Cemetery, which is located in Canaan Township, Wayne County, OH.  Headstone inscriptions for the McQuate group found in this cemetery are as follows:

a Kathryn McQuate 1811 – 1922
b Monroe McQuate 1876 – 1960
c Nettie McQuate  1878 – 1964

Nettie is probably Monroe’s wife and, based on the location of her headstone in Maple Mound Cemetery, her maiden name may have been Countiss.  The identity of Kathryn is a real mystery.  According to the dates transcribed from her headstone, she was 111 years old when she died.  If the birth year is accurate, she may have been the daughter of Peter McQuate, my g-g-g grandfather.  I do know that Peter had a daughter named Kathryn, born between 1805 and 1825, but I have never been able to trace her.  The information given above for Isaac is the sum total that I have for this branch of the family; I have never been able to locate a descendant of Isaac.

4.     Conrad McQuate (b. 1821) and Sarah Eichelberger (b. 1826):  Conrad, of course, was the big producer of the Ashland County McQuates.  He and Sarah had 14 children, nine of whom lived.  The nine who lived where named George, John, Henry, David, Sarah, William, James, Simon, and Benjamin.  Conrad was born in West Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, PA.  In 1850, Conrad, Sarah, and their first child, George, were living in Silver Spring Township, Cumberland County, PA, next door to Sarah’s parents, George and Sarah Eichelberger.  Conrad and family, and the in-law Eichelbergers, moved to Ashland County, OH, in 1870.  Information on the Conrad line can be found on a separate page.  I have been in touch with many of Conrad’s descendants and my thanks go to the following people for information on this line:  Doug and Pam McQuate of Ashland County, OH; Penny Hanes of Olympia, WA; John McQuate of Rochester, NY; Scott McQuate of Lexington, OH; Dennis Smith of Rush, KY; and Suzanne Garraway of Jonesboro, GA.


Ashland County McQuate Quiz

 E-mail your answers to the following questions to

    1.     Who were the parents of Henry McQuate (b. 1826)?

2.     Who and where are the descendants of Samuel McQuate (b. 1846)?

3.     Who and where are the descendants of Isaac McQuate (b. 1831) of Wayne County, OH?

4.     To which of the four lines do each of the following McQuates belong:

a.     Eva McQuate (b. about 1886) married to John Amos Esbenshade of Ashland County, OH?

b.    Doyle McQuate (b. after 1900) of Holmes County, OH, married to Luella Young?

c.     Don Daniel McQuate of Ashland County, OH, served in World War I?

d.    Dr. Arthur G. McQuate (b. after 1890) of Upper Sandusky, OH, married to Helen Bryenton?

e.     Tullie McQuate (b. after 1880) of Ashland County, OH, married to Esther Beymer (her second husband)?

f.      Donald McQuate (b. after 1900) married to Bertha Fry?

g.     Guy McQuate (b. 1906) of Ashland County, OH, married to Lucille, both buried in cemetery near town of Nankin (formerly Orange)?

h.     Cloyd H. McQuate (b. 1897) of Shiloh, Richland County, OH, married to Francis Wane Arnold?

i.       Carl McQuate (b. after 1900) of Ashland and/or Richland Counties, OH, married to Virginia Dell?

j.       Charles F. McQuate (b. after 1900) of Jeromesville, Ashland County, OH?

k.     Donald E. McQuate (b. about 1911) of Ashland, OH?

l.       Elmina McQuate married to Robert C. Mowery who was born 1917 in Ashland, OH?

m.  John R. McQuate (b. after 1900) of Ashland County, OH, married to Viola Helbert?

5.     Which McQuate, brother of Cloyd McQuate, was an undertaker in Shiloh, Richland County, OH, during the 1920s and 1930s?

6.     How was the Hawks family connected to the Conrad McQuate clan?

7.     Was the infamous Tellie McQuate from Ashland County and, if so, to which line does he belong?  Were Tellie McQuate and Tullie McQuate the same person?

E-mail your answers to  Best responses win an autographed copy of my book The McQuate Mystique to be published, at the rate I'm going, in the year 2034.