From: AFA Action AlertReply-To: To: "AFA Action Alert" ******************************* EMAIL MESSAGE #2Subject: [afalert] Yahoo! Still Headquarters For Child Porn & Obscenity Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:16:27 -0500 AFA Action Alert American Family Association Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President Tim Wildmon, Vice President Buddy Smith, Editor P.O. Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803 Phone (662) 844-5036 Fax (662) 842-7798 URL: ************************* Please forward this Alert to a friend and encourage them to subscribe. To Subscribe go to or send e-mail to: NOTE: No further information is required of you; simply send the email to the above address and you will automatically be subscribed. ************************* June 19, 2001 ************ AFA Action Alert is underwritten in part by - AFA has formed an alliance with, an Internet shopping mall with eternal significance! Shop online, get great discounts at major retail stores, and benefit the Kingdom! So, save money... support AFA... and register to win $10,000 - ************ YAHOO! STILL HEADQUARTERS FOR CHILD PORN & OBSCENITY Enterprise Rent-A-Car Latest to Bolt from [ Online Format: ] AOL: CLICK HERE Yahoo! continues to allow child pornography and obscenity to be posted on its servers, according to Patrick A. Trueman, of the American Family Association. Two months ago Yahoo! announced it would remove such material. "A search of Yahoo!'s Clubs and GeoCities sites, which are available to anyone including children, indicates that a seemingly endless number of the sites contain pornography, depicting children in a variety of sexual poses and involved in sex acts, he said. Examples include the "Pic Club of Preteens," the "Preteen Pics up the Wazoo" Club. Links are provided on these sites to other areas on Yahoo! and elsewhere on the Internet where child pornography may be found. One Yahoo! Club offers the "Complete Lolita Hookers Guide." Yahoo! also continues to allow hundreds of Clubs and GeoCities sites that offer obscene pornography to viewers, including sexually explicit depictions of violent rape, torture, group sex, urination, scatology, and sadomasochistic acts. Some of the club names include the "Rape Photos," Club with pictures of women being raped, the "Women In Extreme Distress" Club, which includes a picture of a woman captioned "raped and tortured for three days," and the "Young Virgin Slave Market," Club depicting bondage and torture. "Though Yahoo! seems to have removed many Clubs and GeoCities sites with potentially illegal material and has discontinued sales of hardcore pornographic videos, the company is still a magnet for pedophiles and those seeking all varieties of hardcore pornography," Trueman said. On April 12, 2000 Trueman, wrote Attorney General Ashcroft to investigate Yahoo! for federal child pornography and obscenity violations. Trueman continues to urge an investigation. "Yahoo! should not be allowed to profit from the sexual exploitation of children and women," Trueman said. He is AFA's director of governmental affairs, and was chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, from 1988 to 1992. In early April, the American Family Association urged Attorney General John Ashcroft to investigate Internet giant Yahoo! for federal child pornography and obscenity violations. Within days, an organized group of Yahoo! porn club members -- apparently in reaction to Yahoo!'s decision to close access to many of its porn clubs -- began an e-mail campaign against, an Internet-based Christian shopping mall that allows consumers to direct a percentage of their purchases to local churches and Christian ministries. The porn club campaign targeted the shopping mall because of its affiliation with the American Family Association. Within days after the start of the Yahoo! users' e-mail campaign, retailers such as Nordstrom and J.C. Penney began dropping their association with Neither Nordstrom nor J.C. Penney cite the campaign by the porn club members as their reason for leaving, instead saying the decision was for "business reasons." Some retailers -- most notably,, Avon, and -- also left the program, but returned shortly thereafter. Now, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has become the latest company to drop its affiliation with WorldNetDaily quotes the director of, Gary Sutton, who says Enterprise was concerned about's affiliation with, a group that opposes the cultural normalization of the homosexual lifestyle. In an e-mail to yesterday, Travis Wools of Enterprise accused the shopping mall of promoting "negative and exclusionary ideas and beliefs toward particular group(s)." Wools told WorldNetDaily that the e-mail was intended for another organization and had been sent to Sutton by mistake. Sutton disputes that claim, saying that during a telephone conversation Wools indicated a customer had complained about the shopping mall's affiliation with Sutton says Wools accused of being an "anti-gay" website. "Using Mr. Wools' definition of anti-gay would mean that most Christian organizations are anti-gay, since most believe that the homosexual lifestyle is a violation of Biblical guidelines for human behavior," Sutton told WorldNetDaily. Nevertheless, Sutton says -- while registered with -- is not an affiliate and has not received any money from his organization. is the website for Abiding Truth Ministries, based in Citrus Heights, California. The ministry operates the Pro-Family Law Center, the nation's only legal entity devoted exclusively to opposing the homosexual movement. Scott Lively, an attorney and president of Abiding Truth Ministries, began serving as the California state director for AFA in early April. Related Articles: Yahoo in Porn Foe's Sights,1283,44619,00.html Yahoo! Still Headquarters For Child Porn & Obscenity Ashcroft's Hard Line on Hardcore,1294,44398,00.html Flap Continues Over Yahoo! Porn, Campaign Against Online Shopping Mall Enterprise Rent-A-Car leaves KingdomBuy ACTION NEEDED Contact Yahoo!, Inc. and politely express your outrage that they are still allowing the posting, sharing and distributing of child porn and obscenity on their servers. Advise that you are hoping Attorney General Ashcroft will prosecute them if they remain unwilling to remove the illegal materials. If you have a Yahoo account, tell them that you plan on canceling and let them know why. Yahoo, Inc. Terry Semel, CEO 3420 Central Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95051 Phone: (408) 731-3300 [ext.0 and ask for Mr. Semel] Fax: (408) 731-3510 Email: Contact Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Inc. and politely tell them to stop the Christian bashing. Advise Mr. Wools that you are aware of why Enterprise dropped as well as his double-speak on the matter. Urge Mr. Wools to restore the Enterprise / KingdomBuy relationship or forfeit your future business and that of your family and friends. Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Inc. Travis Wools, Interactive Promotions 600 Corporate Park Dr. St. Louis, MO 63105 Phone: (314) 512-3522 Fax: (314) 512-5522 Email: URL: --- To Subscribe send e-mail to: NOTE: No further information is required of you; simply send the email to the above address and you will automatically be subscribed. --- You are currently subscribed to afalert as: To unsubscribe send a blank email to The Internet is a wonderful tool for spreading or obtaining information such as we provide, however it can also be a very dangerous place for you and your family if you do not have an Internet filter. The American Family Association has developed a world class filter designed to protect the entire family. For information on how to sign up for your filter today, please go to
AFA Action Alert American Family Association Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President Tim Wildmon, Vice President Buddy Smith, Editor P.O. Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803 Phone (662) 844-5036 Fax (662) 842-7798 URL: ************************* Please forward this Alert to a friend and encourage them to subscribe. To Subscribe go to or send e-mail to: NOTE: No further information is required of you; simply send the email to the above address and you will automatically be subscribed. ************************* August 7, 2001 YAHOO! FACILITATES PROSTITUTION THROUGHOUT U.S. AND WORLD [ Online Format: ] AOL: CLICK HERE "Yahoo! facilitates prostitution throughout the U.S. and many other countries. Its involvement is very significant and potentially illegal," said Patrick Trueman of American Family Association. Yahoo! accepts advertisements from prostitutes and prostitution enterprises in their Classified and Yellow Pages sections allowing potential customers to search by city and state. Also, there are numerous Yahoo! Clubs (both U.S. and foreign) that directly solicit customers and offer photos of the prostitutes, many engaged in various sex acts. Information on how to contact the prostitutes is provided. Yahoo! also provides a message exchange service on the front page of these Clubs where potential clients may communicate with the prostitutes. In the Yahoo! GeoCities and Profiles sites, many prostitutes and prostitution enterprises display sexually explicit photos along with phone and e-mail contact information and hourly and nightly charges for the prostitutes. "Yahoo!'s facilitation of prostitution may violate federal law which prohibits aiding and abetting interstate or foreign commerce for the purpose of prostitution," Trueman said. "All of the prostitution information is on Yahoo!'s own servers and is available to anyone, including children. It is impossible to believe that Yahoo! is ignorant of this or its potential violations of federal law. Yahoo! should stop its involvement with the despicable and illegal trade of prostitution." Patrick Trueman is AFA's director of governmental affairs, and was chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, from 1988 to 1992. ACTION NEEDED "Yahoo! is not a safe place for children and families and AFA urges all Internet users to avoid the site," Trueman said. In addition, The American Family Association has launched a nationwide PETITION DRIVE - - to call upon Yahoo!, Inc. and its sponsors to get out of the pornography business. Increasing at an alarming rate are the nauseating, heart-breaking stories of children and adults devastated as a result of the Internet's electronically-delivered pornography. Yahoo!, Inc. and its advertisers need to hear from us today. We can't sit by and simply wish Yahoo! would clean up its act! Together, we can make a difference - but we need your help! SIGN THE PETITION today, urging Chairman Terry Semel of Yahoo! and its sponsors to get out of the porn business by pointing your browser to The PETITION - For those who have already signed the petition - please FORWARD THE PETITION today to at least 10 friends and urge them to do likewise. Click on - Email This Page To A Friend - about one half way down the petition to forward it to friends and family. Thank you! --- To Subscribe send e-mail to: NOTE: No further information is required of you; simply send the email to the above address and you will automatically be subscribed. --- You are currently subscribed to afalert as: XXXXX@XXXX.COM To unsubscribe send a blank email to The Internet is a wonderful tool for spreading or obtaining information such as we provide, however it can also be a very dangerous place for you and your family if you do not have an Internet filter. The American Family Association has developed a world class filter designed to protect the entire family. For information on how to sign up for your filter today, please go to