The Church of Saint Peter
St. Peter's Celebrated
50 years in 2008

Celebrating Our Past -
Hope in Our Future
1175 Cedar Street
Oshawa, Ontario  L1J 3R8
Telephone: 905-728-8080

Incumbent: Father Lincoln McKoen
What to Expect at an Anglican Church  click here
Upcoming Events and Special Dates:
Link to Committee Meeting Dates (including Advisory Board)
Hall Rental
Virtual Tour Outreach
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Bottle Drive Sunday
The last Sunday of each month is Bottle Drive Sunday. Please donate empty beer and liquor containers.
My Funeral Service
Screening in Faith

8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist, Church School, Nursery, Coffee Hour follows
9:30 a.m. Holy  Eucharist
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Food Bank Sunday
The first Sunday of each month is Food Bank Sunday. Please donate non-perishable food items or funds to purchase them. Look in the bulletin for especially needed items. Please contact Rosemary Doucett if you can arrange a regular or one-time source of food or funds with a school, retailer, service organization or community group.
Our Mission: St. Peter's Anglican Church strives to be a loving and welcoming Christian community, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through worship, community service and friendship.
How to Find Us:
1175 Cedar Street:
East of Park Road
West of Simcoe Street
North of Philip Murray Avenue
South of Wentworth Street
Oshawa (Ontario, Canada):
45 minutes east of Toronto
Take the 401 and exit on Park Rd. Take Park Rd south to Wentworth St, then go east on Wentworth to Cedar St. Go south on Cedar.
Monday, May 4, 2009
(Rain date Monday, May 11)
Parish Clean Up
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Please bring your own rakes.
Pizza will be provided at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Spring Yard Sale
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
BBQ Burgers and Hot Dogs.
Coffee available as well as jams and preserves
Tables available to rent for $15 each.
See Diana, Sue, or Jill for more info.
Favorite Links:
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Diocese of Toronto
Church of England
Anglicans Online
(more links)
Friday, May2 9, 2009
A Taste of Thailand Cooking Class
7:00 p.m.
$20 per person.
A fun evening with an interactive cooking class that makes Thai cuisine easy. Couse includes an introduction to Thai cooking, a candlelight dinner of dishes prepared, printed recipes and complimenatry chopstick.s. Limited enrolment of 15 people.See Dean or Glenn for more information.
Bulletin submissions
e-mail your notice by Thursday
Newsletter submissions
e-mail your article or bring it to the church
Prayers from the Prayer Chain
click here
Make free donations just by clicking
Corporate sponsors donate, you just click. Visit often. Causes include cancer, children, hunger, AIDS, education,environment and the arts.

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