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UPDATED 07/03/2001 06:28 PM |
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Junior High School Football Team Row
#1 Left to Right Jack Schrader, Dan Geran, Gene Zahn, Jack Daum, Tubby
Landrus, Bob Slob, Tom Bascos Row #2 Bud Kneisly, Jim Russell, Max Hart,
Gene Winters, Dan Day
51P2-Central Junior High School Basketball Team Row #1 Left to Right Dan Day, Dan Geran, Jack Daum, Jim Russell, Gene Winters, John McDaniel Row #2 Otto Owens, Max Hart, Jim Conhron, Bob Radabaugh, Tom Bascos, Don McDaniel, Gene Zahn 51P3-Vernon Junior High School Football Team Row #1 Left to Right Sandy Gay, Jim Creager, Dick Bender, Unknown, Dick Eller, Rich Carlson Row #2 Jesse James, Tom Tatham, Dick Thatcher, Joe Buettin, Unknown, Unknown, Glen Conklin Row #3 Tom Bosh, Fred Yost, Howard Ballinger, Dick Lewis, Jim Larsen, Jim Kennel, Dave Ulrich, Lee Henninger, Lowell Jones Row #4 Paul Ludwig, Gary Snouffer, Francis Gerber, Jim Arnold, Unknown 51P4-Vernon Junior High School Football Team Top Photo Back Row Dave Ulrich, Jim Kennel, Howard Ballinger, Lowell Jones Front Row Don Bosh, Gary Snouffer, Jim Larson, Paul Ludwig, Dick Bracy Jake Gerber, Dick Lewis Middle Photo Jim Kennel, Lee HenningerDave Ulrich, Lowell Jones Front Row Don Bosh, Gary Snouffer, John Goff, Dan Andrews, Dick Bracy, John Geer, Dick Lewis Bottom Photo Front Row Gary McAffey, Sandy Gay, Ron Ainey, Bob McAdow, Jim Arnold Center Row Larry Montgomery, Fred Yost Back Row Gene Gamble, Jim Creager, Joe Buettin, Zeke Alexander, Glen Conklin Row 51P5-Vernon Junior High School Football Team Top Photo 1st Row Bob Cunningham, Dick Bracy, Francis Jake Gerber, Gary Snouffer, Paul Ludwig 2nd Row Don Bosh, Lowell Jones, Fred Yost, Howard Ballinger, Dave Ulrich 3rd Row Jim Kennel, Dick Lewis, Jim Larsen, Lee Henninger, Dick Thacher Row 4 Unknown, Unknown, Jesse James, Joe Buettin, Jim arnold, Dick Bender Row 5 on all Unknown Bottom Photo Same as 51P3 51P6-Edison Junior High School Basketball Team Bottom Row Harold Morse, Bill Buckingham, Pete Browning, Jack Bishop, Don Johnson, Dick Clark, Coach Shipman Middle Row Ted Rollins, DonKlingleRay Fritch, Bob Craft, Darrel Murton, Gerald Huber, Bob Stanley, Dick Upton, Doug Brokaw, Chuck Renderly, George Fierrman Top Row Adams, Le Roy Dean, Sonny Applegate, Bob Litel, Dick Fairchild, Keith Bushatz, Bob Bolton, Ray Klingle, Clarance Reeves 51P7-Drawing of old Harding Building 51P8-Girls Row #1 Marylin Bachman, Jane Leffler, Gail Carey, Sue Kochensperger, Joanna Jacobs Row #2 Pat Montgomery, Joyce parr, Peggy McWilliams, Joan Clark, Phyllis Huffman 51P9-Boat Eastmans Toy 51P10-General Chuck Yeager USAF Test Pilot (First man to break sound barrier) - 51P11-Four Generations Susan (Terzo) Ailing 51P12-New Harding Building 51P13-Guys & Girls Row #1 Jack schrader, Nancy Midlam, Millicent Williams, Joyce Parr, Bob Radabaugh, Ed Weary 51P14-Girls Sue Kochensperger, Pat Montgomery, Joyce Parr, Peggy McWilliams, Marylin Bachman 51P15-Guys Max Hart Dan Geran 51P16-Girls Row #1 Nancy Gilmore, Dorothy Hollensen, Peggy McWilliams, Row #2 Joanna Jacobs, Phyllis Huffman, Marylin Bachman, Jane Leffler Row #3 Gail Carey, Pat Montgomery, Sue Kochensperger, Joyce Parr, Joan Clark - 51P17-Girls Sue Kochensperger, Joyce Parr 51P18-Girl Norma Dyer 51P19-Guy Bill Young 51P20-Girl Pat Montgomery 51P21-Girls Phyllis Huffman Pat Montgomery 51P22--???? Phyllis & Pat or Pat & Phyllis 51P23-Harding High School Tumbling Team 1st Row L to R Paul Eckard, Stanley Williams, Dick Lattimore, Bill Castanien, Warren Osborn Row #2 L to R Ed Robush, Ed Weary, Gene Hypes Gary Harruff, George Craven Row #3 Lto R John Kreser, Chren Collems, Dick Reiff, Wert Robinson, Jay Gettys, John Goff, 51P24-Boating Pam Smyth, Betty Plantz, Dan Geran, John Geer, Mary Geer - 51P25-Boys & Girls Row #1 John Geer, Dick Fields, Gary Snouffer, Ruth ann Smith, Row #2 Pam Smyth, Don Ellison, Betty plantz, Birdie Borland, Tom Ellison Joan Clark, Sue Kochensperger, Dan Geran 51P26-Guys Dan Geran Jim Creager 51P27-Joyce Cleveland & Jill Pluchel 51P28-25TH Class Reunion 51P29 Central patch Barb Thrush and Norma Dyer 51P30 Prom night To be Identified 51P31 Class Reunion 51P32 Senior Breakfast Ticket 51P33 Dan & Loretta Andrews 51P34 Dan Andrews & Son Robert Dan portray's Santa Claus at Christmas time. His church is having Christmas in July so he had to start a little early this year. 51P35 Lt to rt Janet daum, Pat Jacobs Coldren (aqua top) Jack Schrader, Dave Ulrich 51P36 Bob Bachle, Julie Parsell Baechle, across from is Norma Eastman back of Bob B is Tom Indoe 51P37 back table Karl Ailing at end, Suzanne Terzo Ailing (head down), Joan Clark Pontius, Dan Day foreground table Mystery man, Judy Daum, Frank Timmons 51P38 from glass door Jewel Indoe tom Indoe, Ed weary, Theron Donaugh, Jim Kennell Standing is Bob Baechle and across table Norma and Bruce Eastman 51P39 back table Dan Day, Mary Day, (behind flower) Ed Baldauf (top of head) Shirley Baldauf. foreground Frank and Jerry Timmons, Minnie Rinnert Timmons, Fred and Joycelyn Yost Back to camera brown hair Patsy Toombs Dow, Mary Claire Robinson Brewer (blonde) Joan Price Lillge 51P40 Suzanne Terzo Ailing, Joan Clark Pontius, Dan Day, Ed Baldauf 51P41 Background Karlton Luke, Bob Cook, backs to camera Dick Thatcher and wife Foreground Dave Ulrich, Jack Schrader, Bob Cunningham 51P42 Marlene Peterson Huber and Gerald Huber 51P43 Jim Kennell 51P44 back table Ed Weary, Theron donaugh, backs to camera Bob Slob, Ginny Davis Somerlot and Jack Somerlot Standing Bob Cook foreground Bev Berkshire Luke and Karlton Luke 51P45 Sawyer Ludwig Power Squadron room 110 degrees meeting re: 2001 reunion lt to rt Bob Keggan, Marilyn Weary, Ginny Somerlot, Suzanne Ailing, Dick Thatcher, Marlene Huber, Ardeth Walker Fetter, Maxine Huber Roberts 51P46 Joan Clark Pontius, Ginny Davis Somerlot, Sue Kochensperger Gay, Corrine Levien McAfee, Marilyn Green Weary 51P47 Foreground Fred Barlow, Bob Keggan, Gordon Pickett, Joann Hough Schmidt, background facing camera Jo Buller Boyer, (blonde) Bob Cook, Colleen Kneisley Hempstead, Joan Price lillge 51P48 Ginny Davis Somerlot, Bob Slob Phyllis Slob, Gaile Baker, Backs to (heads) Theron Donaugh, ED Weary 51P49 Marlene Peterson Huber, Bev Berkshire Luke, Ardith Walker Fetter Julie Parsell Baechle, In front Suzanne Terzo Ailing, Corrine Levien McAfee, (back to camera 51P50 Minnie Rinnert Timmons, Fred Yost, Joycelyn Garver Yost, in foreground Gerald Blue, Jack Somerlot 51P51 Frank Basford & Bruce Eastman 51P52 Gloria (Patton) D'Addio and Julie Baechle 51P53 Gloria (Patton) & Vince D'Addio 51P54 Old Central High School 51P55 Beverly Berkshire Luke, Karlton Luke, Frank Basford (W/Camera) 51P56 Jane Leffler Winters, Gene Winters 51P57 Ginny Davis Somerlot, Gloria Patton A'ddio 51P58 Jane Leffler Winters, Gene Winters, Marilyn Bachman, Jim Busch 51P59 Betty Barlow, Fred Barlow, Martha Knickle Buckingham, Bill Buckingham 51P60 Martha Knickle Buckingham Bill Buckingham 51P61 Pearl Albright Kohler, Patsy Toombs Dow, Sherry Wolf Exley 51P62 Don Hempstead, Colleen Kneisley Hempstead, Jo Buller Boyer 51P63 Gordon Pickett 51P64 Jewel and Tom Indoe, Bob Keggan 51P65 Bob & Nancy Keggan, Don Hempstead 51P66 Phyllis Thatcher, Sue kochensperger Gay, Jane Leffler Winters, Marilyn Bachman 51P67 Miriam (Kinney) Root and Grandson 51P68 Dave Ackerman (Son of Henry Ackerman) with the Manatees. 51P69 The entire Ackerman Clan 51P70 Bob Snow and Henry Ackerman 51P71 Emanuel Lutheran Church Confirmation Back Row- Rev. M. E. Hollensen, Henry Ackerman, Adelbert Garverick, Jane Sinpson, Maxine Sult, Phyllis Huffman, Dorothy Hollensen, Jane Leffler, Marlene Peterson, Sharon Case, Don Meddles, Steve Orth. Front Row-Beverly Norton, Maxine Armbruster, Joanna Jacobs, Nancy Curren, Jo Ann Curren, Jean Barkley, Martha Knickle Donna Haberman, Judy Reichenstein. 51P72 Fight- Bob Snow, Bob Cunningham abusing Henry Ackerman. 51P73 The First Ackerman Car. Can any one tell the year and model? 51P74 Memorial Day Parade 1941 Submitted by Henry Ackerman's Sister Pat Heading South on Main Street passing Columbia Street 51P75 Sharon Rose Wolf and Sue Kochensperger (1943 Commemorative booklet) 51P76 From left to Right Karen Smith 1952 Graduate deceased, Bob Keggan, Nancy Curren, Dave McWherter, Joann Curren, , John Haines, This was the Hospital Ball at the old Roller Rink on East Center Street. 51P77 Ginny (Davis) Somerlot, Dan Andrews, Loretta (Pemberton) Andrews W/Toby and Nancy (Gilmore) Bowers 51P78 Bruce Eastman & Lowell Jones 51P79 Bev (Norton) Taylor, Sue Gay, Bev Luke, Norma Eastman, Ardeth Fetter, Jack Schrader, Frank Basford Bruce Eastman and Far in the background Ed Fetter. 51P80 Dan Day, Meredythe and John Mc Daniel 51P81 Cousins Ginny Somerlot and Nancy Gilmore Bowers 51P82 Edward & Carol (Teitelbaum) Brown Family 51P83 Maxine Huber, Peanut Reeves, Frank Basford and Joyce Cleveland 51P84 Carolyn Creager, Carol Teitelbaum, Suzie Terzo, Janet Reese, Nancy Rutherford, Mary Hamor and Sherry Case 51P85 Vernon Bunch 51P86 Carol Nancy & Joey 51P87 Bud 51P88 - Carousel Convention center 51P89 - Carousel Convention center 51P90 - Carousel Convention center 51P91 - Carolyn Klutie 51P92 - Dave Ulrich 51P93 - Howard Ballinger 51P94 - Jane Leffler - Rachel Mounts - Phyllis Huffman 51P95 - Paul Ludwig 51P96 - Phyllis Hughes 51P97 - Sue Gaster - Rosie Walker 51P98 - Head of the Class 51P99 - The End 51P100 - December 1999 Breakfast (Scroll down) 51P101 - Sue (Fellmeth) Parsell & Bruce Eastman 51P102 - Jill Pluchel, Gene Winters & Jane (Leffler) Winters