1's Humorous Pet Peeve. 3/18/2001
all started 'bout 30 years ago, after I noticed one late
afternoon... my husband was at the laundry pile going through the
folded clothes finding his personal items. Well, as I grabbed a
few clothes to take to my son's room...outta the corner of my
eye, there he was........dear hubby was tearing up my fold job
and redoing it to HIS satisfaction!!! Ahhhhhh, I remember it
The conversation went like this upon my
return--- "You don't like the way I fold clothes?" "Nah,
that's not it. They just fit better in the drawer the way I fold
'em." I'm thinking *what's the difference here?* *He doesn't care
for my folding*. Well, I let it go to avoid arguing. Ya know?
Men have this capacity of knowledge that would astound a
genius!! Hubbies think this way-----"There's a right way, and a
wrong way. Then, there's my way!"
Few days pass and I realize
after watching him more closely... the man is an obsessive
compulsive! When we were young and married just a few short
years...his work required him to leave the house at 5:00 a.m.
Well, in order not to wake the family, he did his preparing for
work BEFORE he went to bed. That way, at 3:30-4:00 a.m., he
wouldn't be rumaging around in the dark, getting clothes, making
breakfast etc. etc. In turn, waking the entire household. Yep, a
compulsive has routine!!
Now with my husband, it went like
this: Pull out the coffee maker...put exactly 3 heaping scoops
of coffee into the filter. Measure water...pour. Set the
timer...adjust the angle and position of coffeemaker on the
countertop. Being that that is done, he moves on...... lay a
placemat on the table at his end of the table...smooth the wrinkles
out. Go back to the drawer, get a napkin, then eating utensils,
position them on the placemat at exact margins. Go back to the
cupboard and choose a favorite coffee cup...... place it next to
the coffee maker...then, once again, check to make sure there is
water in the coffee maker. (Oh I'm serious on this!!)
Now, we go to the preparing of clothes..... He wore a
uniform so, it had to be just right too. But, we'll ignore that
part, this just gets better and better. Walking through the
house, into the bedroom to his closet. Once he gets there, it's
like he has an extended wardrobe for work, and he must choose
accordingly to his mood for the day. Hey, get real!! They're all
alike!!! Why thumb through them for choice? Just pick
one!! Well, he doesn't (and this is each day.....a
routine) Once he chose a shirt, he'd take it to the bathroom. I
had a small hook for him behind the door for his clothes. Then,
he'd return to the bedroom closet, and pick out a pair of
slacks! Same thing.....they're uniforms. But, he slides them
back and forth, chosing. Good Grief.
Now, shoes. Oh lord.
Get set, here we go!! They had to be spit shined!!!!!! I'll save
that routine for later. But believe you me, it's a dinger of a
tale. Then, his socks......now here's where the weirdness comes
in.......LOL (ya, right, like the above parts aren't weird, I
know, I know). He gets to the dresser drawer and pulls out a pair
of socks (oh yes, they've been refolded to fit the area better).
Now the socks too are uniform color so, no "should I wear
black or brown?...They're black. Just pick a pair out and get on
with your life!! Okay, I forgot to mention his placement of his
shoes. Well, his shoes must be parallel to the wall! Then, his
socks must be placed neatly on top of the shoes!!!!! If anyone
realigns them.......they hear about it.
Oh yes, and he
prefers to make his own lunch at this stage in our marriage. So
there's a routine there too. Well, the thing is...his behavior is
obssessive. And I being young and foolish, thought: "Well now, I
can fix his abnormalities".....yes, I thought his routine was weird.
Hey, I was only 20......going on 45.
So here's what I did
once: I purposely got up during the night and did some of my own
routine!!!!! I put his car keys in a different pant's pocket. I
untied his tie. I readjusted the one shoe so it was at an angle
that was just NOT correct!! And I tied his socks in a knot. Then
off to the kitchen I went. First, I snuck in the refigerator for
his bagged lunch.....yes, he had it bagged already so all he had
to do before he walked out the door in the dark, was just grab
the lunch! Well, I didn't do too much .... I just put his
napkin in his sandwich bag, along with the sandwich. Then, to
the coffee pot I ventured. I folded the filter so some of the
"grounds" of coffee would end up in his morning java. Oh, and I
sprinkled in a very little bit of black pepper for added
zip....slid the coffee maker back in its corner, and left it
there. Then, I put the utensils ON the plate....instead of on
the proper side of the plate. And off to bed I went, he was
snoring so, I wasn't detected in my "dirty work".
Well, that
afternoon, when he got home he was jovial, but purposely hiding his
anger. I know. But, it worked!!! And, maybe a bit too good. He
no longer has those crazy habits. Well, maybe a little bit. And
I have to say, I've picked up a few "Monicas" (watchers of the TV
program of "Friends" will know what I'm talking about), which we
dearly call our compulsive behaviors now, and jokingly.
at least the breaking of his routine showed him what that kind of
behavior does to a person's system sometime (and wasting precious
life on this kind of behavior on minutes that add to hours of a
beautiful lifetime on menial things such as sock order), and how
it affects others...not that that is important, but you get my
drift, right? Oh, and I might add this, when we both (married
over 30 years to each other) spot compulsive behavior in one
another, we go searching for the black pepper!!! There's my pet
peeve, people with compulsive disorders...at least ones I LIVE with.

tube for this set was found at Kandy's
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