B.Ballew's Ancestry Home Page
updated August 3, 2002
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This is a Genealogy Site
surnames not yet incorporated into the table of locations & dates:
Ballon, Boaze, Boley, Boyle, Brown, Bryant, Calhoun, Carper, Cheatham, Childress, Coleman, Coleman, Cox, Farrar, Ferguson, Fitch, Franklin, Garrison, Green, Guthrie, Hale, Hunley, Jackson, Jennings, Johnson, Judy, Lanford, Moore, O’Bryant, Oakes, Paris, Perry, Puckett, Quinio, Rodrigue, Ryan, Seymour, Spears, Stanton, Tanner, Tweedy, Tyree, Viar, Wilkes, Wooley

"When the oak is felled
the whole forest
echoes with its fall,
but a hundred acorns
are sown in silence
by an unnoticed breeze."

~ Thomas Carlyle ~



Index of Individuals

Photo Gallery and Documents

Bailleuls of Medieval Flanders

Coats of Arms & Flags

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for a visit.

These ancestors and cousins
performed a variety of
occupations including
merchant, tailor, farmer,
business owner, soldier,
teamster, butcher,
jeweler, railroad worker,
theater operator, and
Two were slave owners.
One was held
prisoner-of-war for 14 months
following the Civil War battle
of Missionary Ridge
At least one served in the
Revolutionary War.
One emmigrated from Russia
to join her fiancé in Canada.
Others emmigrated from
England, France, & Ireland.
Some were likely religious
(Protestant) refugees.
Some relocated in wagon trains.
One died after defending his
home and family against
a trio of armed robbers.
Each chose
from the opportunities
that came their way.

May they inspire us
to make the most
of our own opportunities
and potential,
and be grateful
to all generations
since the dawn of time
for making today
possible for us.

I am indebted
to all of the "cousins,"
both those long-known
and those newly-found,
who have helped me
compile this information.

"Who can say
where the road goes
where the day flows
-- only time."

"Pilgrim, how you journey
on the road you chose
to find out why the winds die
and where the stories go.
All days come from one day
that much you must know,
you cannot change what's over
but only where you go.

"...Pilgrim, in your journey
you may travel far,
for pilgrim it's a long way
to find out who you are..."

~ Enya ~

More Poetry

Aquino Sequndo, Las Animas Co., Colorado 1900's to ?
Autry Texas 1900 to present
Ballew Flanders?
Buchanan, Botetourt Co. Virginia
Clay County, Missouri
Pilot Point, Denton County, Texas
Clarendon, Donley County, Texas
Amarillo and Plainview, Texas
California and Oregon
Odawara, Kanagawa, Japan
original homeland?
prior to 1802
1802 - 1872
1879 to 1900's
1900's to present
1940's to 1968
1940's to present
1990's to present
Blessing Texas ? to present
Bolton Washington State ? to present
Bradley Texas
New York
? to present
1990's to present
Carter Virginia ? 1800's
Christinson Sweden 1890's
Cooper Tennessee 1800
Craft Buchanan, Botetourt Co., VA 1800's
Crowder Amelia Co., VA 1700's
Derickson Denton County, Texas 1800's
Ellington Amelia Co., VA 1700's
Evans Potts Camp, MS 1900's
Fincannon Macon, Bibb County, Georgia early to mid 1800's
Fritzler Oregon 1970's to present
Gibson Ft. Worth, Texas 1940's to present
Gilliam Texas
(Hereford, Texas)
1900's to present
Guinn Johnson County, Texas 1890's
Hansen Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon 1900's
Harroway Virginia ? 1800's
Hilderman Germany
Rosenburg, Russia
? to abt. 1900
abt. 1900 to present
Hillman Rosenburg, Russia ? to abt. 1900
Hoskins Rutherford County, Tennessee 1800's
Iszard New York ? to present
James Smith County, Tennessee 1800's
Jarrard Macon, Bibb County, Georgia 1800's
Jeter Virginia late 1700's +
Johnson Virginia 1800's
Knight Denton County, Texas abt. 1892 to present?
Lane Botetourt Co., Virginia 1937 to ?
(2 families)
Denton County, Texas
Marshall Ireland>Virginia
Eunice, NM
Littlefield, Texas
abt. 1850 to 1880
abt. 1887 - present
1930's to 1942
McCollum ? > Mississippi > Texas 1837 to 1936
McQuatters Texas
Kirkland, Washington
abt. 1890 to ?
? to present?
McReynolds Denton County, Texas
Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas
1900 to ?
? to present?
Medhus Oregon, Washington,
Nevada, Minnesota...
Minton Virginia
Smith County, Tennessee
Pilot Point, Denton County, Texas
late 1800's - present
Mize North Carolina 1800's
Neal Ireland>Virginia 1700's
Oishi Odawara, Kanagawa, Japan ? to present
Pebley Pilot Point, Denton County, Texas
Anaheim, Orange County, California
late 1800's
? to present
Penry Texas 1900's to 1990's
Phinney Missouri
early / mid 1800's
1860's to present
Rau Oregon
1911 to present
abt. 1980 to present
Reed Oregon late 1800's
Reynolds Tennessee
Pilot Point, Denton County, Texas
1900's to present
Roach Campbell County, Virginia 1700's
Roberts Texas abt. 1850 to 1935
Robinson Tennessee 1780's
Russelli Oregon ? to present
Samuelson Sweden
Oregon and Washington
? to abt. 1900
abt. 1900 to present
Sands Oregon and Washington 1900 to 1981
Simmons Georgia
Texas or New Mexico
1800's to ?
? to present
Skidmore Virginia 1800's to ?
Stinnett Virginia
1840's to present
1870's to present
Stone North Carolina
Holly Springs, Marshall Co., Mississippi
1790's to ?
Stones Texas abt. 1900 to present
Stricker Germany
Rosenburg, Russia
Nova Scotia, Canada
Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada
Alberta Canada
until abt. 1900
abt. 1900 to ?
abt. 1900 to ?
1905? to ?
Teitell California ? to present
Tomberlin Texas abt. 1900 to present
Trantow Alvin, Brazoria County, Texas 1947 to 1974
Vigna Sequndo, Las Animas Co., Colorado
1900's to ?
1900's to present
Wade Tennessee
early 1900's
Walton Tennessee? 1800's?
Waters Virginia 1700's
Wells North Carolina; Georgia; Mississippi 1800's to present
Wilkinson Botetourt Co., Virginia 1800's to (present?)
Winfrey New Middleton, Smith Co., Tennessee 1800's
Wirth Oregon 1900 to present
Wood Boise City, Cimarron, Oklahoma £ 1912 ³
Worley Montana > Idaho > Oregon 1900's
Yamaguchi Hirado, Nagasaki, Japan ? to present
Yamamoto Japan  
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This site was created June 26, 1999
and is perpetually under construction.
Comments/Questions: baballew@juno.com

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