kensjournal is published from British Columbia, Canada
kensjournal is located in British Columbia Canada and opens a window into events and imagery from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.

Some of the items of interest are the Yodelling Woodcarver of Kimberley and the Kimberley International Accordian Festival.

The  photo of the moose was taken at the summit of the Creston/Salmo Pass on #3 hwy. in southern British Columbia.
kensjournal is an interactive on-line journal presenting an eclectic view of events and scenes from British Columbia, Canada. Enjoy!
- ken collins photo
About the Psychic Surgeons of the Philippines
Puppy Love Pet Deli
Norm Macdonald
Bergie Solberg: Cougar Lady of the Sunshine Coast
When the Mountains Speak: A Historical View of Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada
Yodelling Woodcarver: The Story
sample video clip
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