September 1999

Welcome to the home page of Frank Owen, Wendy Disch, and Benjamin Owen. We started this primarily to be able to keep far-flung family and friends apprised of our doings.

We are settling into the school year. Frank is teaching Control Theory at Cal Poly, Benjamin has started kindergarten at the Cal Poly Children's Center, and Wendy is working on the house and thinking about restarting a professional career on a part time/free lance basis.

It was a busy summer. Wendy and Benjamin visited Switzerland for five weeks, Yosemite, and Legoland, near San Diego. Frank took work trips to Mississippi and Alabama, Austin, Cleveland, and Irvine, California.

Here are some recent pictures. We'll keep updating this every couple of weeks, so come back. Any comments are questions, email us:,

BUpsidedown.jpg (27469 bytes)  BwTurtle.jpg (68319 bytes)  BwSnake.jpg (95467 bytes)

These pictures are from our recent trip to Southern California to visit my friend William Harrison in Irvine. The first picture is in Corona Del Mar. The other two are at a company picnic for Qiagen, for whom our old Mississippi friend Jane Crow works.