November 1999

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BTuckerGyna.jpg (188846 bytes)  BandTucker.jpg (251895 bytes)

The images above are at Benjamin's kindergarten at Cal Poly during their Halloween celebration.  Wendy made the costumes by using an anatomy book and fabric paint.  The kid in the orange shirt is now one of his best friends, Tucker, who was born the day before he was.

We were in San Francisco in mid-October when the drawing bug struck.   We went to Alcatraz, which made a big impression on Benjamin.  On the way back to Oceano, he drew the two drawings below of his impressions.

Alcatraz.bmp (3151926 bytes)

Cable Car2.bmp (985590 bytes)

After he was done with the cable car drawing, he got it back from me and installed the two types of brakes, the wheel brakes and the track brakes.