Luke's First Flights
19 January 2008

We started flying lessons sort of accidentally.  Luke and I had flown together a few years ago.  It was cool, and he enjoyed it, but it was just "okay".  In mid-January we got into the 150 and flew down to Santa Ynez one day.  He really liked it.  So the next weekend we flew over to Avenal, to the gliderport of the Central California Soaring Club, of which I am a member.  I asked Luke if he was interested in a glider lesson, and he was indifferent to it.  But then he got interested and took two lesson, under the tuteage of Harold Gallagher, our long-time glider instructor.

Here we are starting, with me running wing.

Here Luke is at the controls, high overhead.

The second flight Luke managed the controls all by himself.  The landing was perfect!  When he got out, we all congratulated him on a great landing.  "I didn't land it, Harold did," was his reply, to which Harold responded that he didn't touch the controls at all.

So we'll see where this all goes.