Way Up High In the Sky

By some great luck and twists and turns of fate, I wound up on top of the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge 12 March 2003.  Arturo Meuniot, the bridge's ironworker supervisor, was our tour guide.  Scott Gabler, a Cal Poly student who completed a design project for the bridge, came along too and was the photographer for the pictures below.  We all crowded into a three-person elevator and went up, up, up.  Unfortunately it was very foggy and got foggier, just after we arrived at the top.  I think, though, that it would have been much more terrifying without the fog, seeing how far down we'd have to go before we went splat.  As it was, we were pretty nonchalant about walking on the open-grate catwalks.  It was so foggy we couldn't even see the roadway, 500 feet down.  Still it was an incredible experience.

Our great tourguide, Arturo Meuniot, ironworker extraordinaire

Going out on this corner was surprisingly easy






Don't slip now

Shortly after our arrival on top, the fog closed in to stay