I have been called to be a mouthpiece for the Lord. Through guiding, exhorting, and challanging the people of God, to remove the gap between God and man so it shall be no more. It is the Lord's desire that His children draw nearer to Him, that they be comforted by His peace and dwell with Him forever. The time is now when the people of God shall come to know Him as He is. I am to cause the hearts of men to turn back to God, be a light in this darken world, and show a path to the Lord so that His mercy can penetrate and destroy the works of the enemy. I would like to see all people transformed by God's word because it is still life giving, life changing, the ever powerful salution to today's real problems. The enemy has been walking on the church much to long though we've been given the authority to tread on him, and reign as kings of life, but we don't exercise that authority. We as believers must raise up a standard and stand upon the principles of spiritual warefare. The church will be victorious against the devil, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! Praise the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.
God's desire for His children is very clear..."To be One." But What does this mean? So many people have taken this statement and caused a separation between the brotheren all in the name of faith and pride. I have come to a painful realization that some of the things I was taught as a child were wrong. Being a Black/Sioux woman I have finally come to imbrace and love the Native half of my heritage, a heritage I was told to turn away from. My vision is to see a coming together of races, all cultures represended in praise to the Creator! It is time to stop looking at different cultures and traditions as being "Not of God!" It is time to love one another as Christ loved us and died for us all. The Creator of the heavens and the earth, the land and the sea, the animals, is the same Creator that made man. We are all made in the image of God and it is His will for us to express our love towards Him in our own unigue way. Try to understand someone in your community that is of a different race or background as yourself. What a mighty testimony it will be when all the nations of the earth. come togther! The Church must re-think, repent from their past actions and embrace all people. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, Slave nor Free, Native nor White, Black nor Asian, Male nor Female... We are many nations with one voice.
I believe that there is only one Creator who's name is Jesus Christ. According to His good pleasure and will, He created all that is: Earth, sky, plants, animals, the waters, the first man and woman. I believe that the bible is God's recorded revelation to mankind, inspired and written for all people and all languages. I believe in Jesus Chirst's sinless life, physical death, His resurrection, His ascension into heaven, and His mighty return to earth in power and glory. I believe that without Him we can not be saved and brought back to right standing with the Father/Creator. I believe that we were all created in the image of God, but because of rebellion, and rejection of the great path, man wondered in darkness and separation from God. I believe that Jesus Christ is the One, the only mediactor between God and man. Only through trusting in Christ for salvation, not the stars or crystals, not palm readings or shanting can that separation be removed and the peoples of the earth be restored to the great path once more. Becuaes Jesus performed a "Once and for all time sacrifice" In His death on the cross, and resurretion from the dead... This sacrifice broke the power of death and made a way for all tribes and nations to come together and return to a loving relationship with Father/Creator.
Q: Is there a need for a new kind of ministry among Native Americans?

A: Yes! After 500 years of missions to Native Americans less
than 5% claim to know Jesus personally.

Q: How could such a spiritual people reject God's Son?

A: They haven't...They have rejected the cultural trappings
of Euro-American Missions.

"Our Indian people have been too wise to believe a gospel that condemns
them for being who God made them to be and yet, I believe and am seeing that they will not reject the good news of Jesus Christ when they see Him through Indian eyes as the Creator intended."

Randy Woodley - President, Eagle's Wings Ministry
Here's something  for you to chew on...
My Mission Statement
My Statement Of Faith
My Vision
Graphics By Silverhawk's Creations