For you pampered gardeners! Please check Zones 2&3 and Zones 4-10 for other plants.
Trees and Shrubs | Arcacia(9-10)
Australian Pine(10) Australian Willow(9-10) Bottletree(9-10) California Black Walnut (8-10) California Buckeye(8-10) Carob(10) Chinaberry(9-10) Cypress(9-10) Eucalyptus(9-10) Fig(10) Floss-silk tree(9-10) Greville(10) Ironwood(10) Jacaranda(10) Jerusalem Thorn(9-10) Jujube(10) Loquat(8-10) Mexican Blue Palm(9-10) Olive(8-10) Palm(9-10) Palo Verde(9-10) Pepper tree(9-10) Pine(8-10) Pistache (9-10) Sumac(8-10) tamarisk(9-10) Tristania(9-10) Umbrella tree(9-10) Bottlebrush (9-10) Cape Plumbago(9-10) Flannelbush(9-10) Hopbush(8-10) Myrtle(8-10) Oleander(9-10) Pomegranate(9-10) Sage(9-10)
Perennials and Annuals | Dudleya(10)
Echeveria(10) Europs(9-10) Iceplant(9-10) New Zealand Flax(9-10) Mexican Poppy(8-10) Puya(9-10) |
Grasses | Bermuda grass(8-10)
Centipede Grass(8-10) St. Augustine Grass(8-10) Pampass grass (8-10)
Ground Covers | Baby-sun-rose(10)
Coprosma(8-10) Lippia(9-10) Sedum(9-10) |
Vines | Blood-trumpet910)
Bougainvillea(10) Cape-honeysuckle(9-10) Cat's claw(9-10) Cup-of-gold(10) Grape Ivy(10) Potato Vine(9-10) |