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My Background
You really don't want to hear this, so here is the "Readers Digest" version. I grew up in Oroville California. I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps including a tour in Viet Nam. Since 1973 I have been collecting a paycheck from the Concord Police Department in Concord California, from where I recently retired.
My Interests
I like to do. Scuba, work with computers and tour on my Honda Gold Wing. Travel is my passion.
Links to Some Useful Sites Graphics:![]()
Windows 95/98 Shareware:
For Those Who Feel CreativeIf you feel the need to express yourself you can create a Web Page, Net Site, or Home Page... whatever you want to call it. Netscape is a good place to start and they make it easy. Use their Web Building Site and making your Web Site will be easy.
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Send me e-mail at:johnh7@starband.net