Welcome to my Guestbook!

Emily Villas - 08/19/00 03:48:31
My Email:wingschief2@aol.com
City: ABQ

Wow. Mom Parks, this looks like it took quite awhile to put together...looks great!

Andrea - 01/27/00 13:40:28
My Email:calic0ah@netscape.net
City: Fort Worth

Hi Mom & Dad - I hope you are doing well - you're missed. You did a wonderful job on your website! Take care! -Andrea (Tom and the twin's friend from ABQ :)

Robert,Kim & Michelle Dapson - 07/31/99 02:14:08
My Email:RnKDapson@webtv.net
City: Albuquerque

Hi Ma what a great web page you've created. It was nice too see some pictures of you & Al in you hay days. Keep up the good work. God Bless. Love your adopted son, Robert

Jim and Angela Dapson - 07/30/99 23:45:57
My Email:JnADapson@webtv.net
City: Hemet,Ca

Very nice page. Nice to hear from you. Take care of yourselves and God Bless. Tom's old roommate in ABQ.

Larry Riegel - 07/28/99 22:22:28
My Email:Riegel100@aol.com
City: Ayden,NC 28513

Enjoyed your page,Jean.Really enjoyed the pictures of Al with hair,ha-ha.Keep up the good work.

CORDASC - 07/28/99 22:21:56
My Email:Cordasc@aol.com

I just love your web page,I love looking at old pictures. Love you. Cordasc

Linda Reed - 07/24/99 23:48:20
My Email:Malmaw@msn.com or LReed22551@aol.com
City: Dothan, Alabama

I really enjoyed your web page. I enjoyed looking at all the pictures of the family when they were young. I enjoyed reading about Tommy and Patrick. Send more.

patrick parks - 07/20/99 18:44:58
My Email:parks041576@hotmail.com
City: everywhere

Well you sure have led an exciting life. I hope we can learn a lot more. I love you. Love your son.

Kathy & Tom - 07/19/99 04:35:39
My Email:KWells68 & TParks1169
City: Albuquerque, NM


Al - 07/08/99 23:40:56
My Email:Aparks6591@aol.com
City: none of your buisness


Charles D. McNeal - 06/28/99 03:21:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/7596
My Email:chuck_100@yahoo.com
City: Manhattan, KS

Jean here you go. Now you have some way for people to let you know they were here and for you to respond...love ya cuz ...David

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