Durham Friends Meeting

Yearly Activities

                             Each Sunday (Firstday) at 9:30 A.M., there are religious education
                             classes for adults. Sunday school for children is during Meeting for
                             Worship. On a few days each year (Christmas, Easter, the

                             beginning and end of the school year) there are special activities.

                             Seekers and Sojourners "an introduction to Friends' history and
                             practice offered every other year.  (Call  or email Jim Douglas for
                             time of next class.
) meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night.

                             Our Women's Society participates in many charitable and social
                             activities in the local communities.

                             Each year there are many potluck suppers, guest speakers, picnics,
                             yard sales, prayer meetings, and other opportunities for fellowship
                             and outreach.

                             Members of Durham Friends Meeting are welcome to participate in
                             wider Friends organizations including Falmouth Quarterly Meeting,
                             New England Yearly Meeting, Friends United Meeting, and Friends
                             General Conference.

                             There is a library at the Meetinghouse with several hundred volumes
                             selected for their spiritual value and interest to Friends.