Welcome to MeMe's LOFT
I've never made a fortune,
and I'll never make one now,
But it really doesn't matter
'cause I'm happy anyhow.
As I go along my journey
I'm reaping better than I've showed.
But with kin and friends to love me
I think I'm rich enough.
I thank God to the blessings
That His mercy has bestowed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
He gives me strength and courage.
When the way grows steep and rough,
I'll not ask for other blessings for
I'm already blessed enough.
May we never be too busy,
To help bear another's load.
Then we'll all be drinking from the saucer.
When our cups have overflowed.
~Author Unknown~
However you found your way
to my loft,
by accident, through a Webring or a friend
I hope you have fun browsing around my pages.
Lots of
fun things for everyone and KID SAFE .
If you want a return visit to see
family pictures
along with other changes I make.
Sign the GUEST BOOK, leave you (.com )
I'll send a
email letting you know when I update,
or just sign letting me know you where here.
Also if you have a Web page
leave your link so I can visit.
But for right now being a "newbie" cat lover,
you will have to check these beauties out.
CeCe Spaz
"The LOFT'S Guardians"
Spaz a housewarming gift from my nephew.
Thanks a lot Gus !!
his name fits him well .
A short hair male that has to be in the middle of everything.
As you can see he finally won my
making it possible to live with his behavior problem
CeCe stands for chicken cat
(when startled can jump higher than a frog)
she was given to my son by a friend .
A small long hair, very timid,
cutie that loves depositing her long hair everywhere.
I think it
really dressed up my white comforter don't you agree?...
I hope you
find something that will interest you
but most of all have fun .
The game links are quick fast
arcade type so do try them.

CeCe and Spaz will help me watch over the loft so it remains a fun,
clean, hideaway for all those that stops in for a visit.
They roam from page to page
watching for broken links.
If we miss locating something that is in bad taste
or doesn't work let me know so I can locate the problem.

Organ Donation Information
help save a life
Amber's Millennium
Stop the hate
Visit my High School
great memories
Cyber Adoption Pages
my MCAAB page
Words of Wisdom
favorite Quotes
Winter Wonderland
Snow people
Interactive game coloring Links
fun for the kids
I believe do you?
Awards & Gifts
:) Thanks
Web Rings
I belong to

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All graphics and poetry on this site collected from various sources and are solely owned by their respective artists.
This site is purely non-commercial and no violation of copyright was intentional.
No infringement of rights is meant or implied.