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PLEASE read below before you enter!!! PLEASE read below before you enter!!! PLEASE read below before you enter!!!

Our humble home

How do you like mommy's flowers?
Don't forget to wipe your feet before you come in
Mommy likes her nice clean floors to stay that way :-)

We are mommy's little angels!
I am Johnathan Fredrick (the oldest) and my baby sister
is Kaelyn Marie. We are all making this site. Mommy loves that we are
helping her. She says she even feels honored!
Don't worry we will let you know who is talking on what page. hehe

Below are our adoption records
(at least this is was mommy
calles them)

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Jonhathan Fredrick

Adopted: November 8,1999

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Kaelyn Marie

Adopted: December 18,1999

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

On November 8th, 1999 and December 18th, 1999 I made a wonderful choice...
I made a choice to adopt. Not just any type of adoption
This type is one of the special types out there. I made the
choice to adopt 2 little angels that had been aborted.
KILLED. It is so sad that I had the oppertunity to do this.
I wish I never had the chance...but I did. And I am so lucky
that I was able to! Now I am a mother...their mother. They will
ALWAYS be with me no matter what...no matter how many children
I have after them.

The background, flowers, and door on this page were made possible by

I adopted my sweet Johnathan and Kaelyn from "It's a wonderful life adoption center"

Please go adopt a miracle!

Your are listening toOne moment in time