Hi! Glad you stopped by for a visit. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Melanie, my husband's name is Donny and we have three beautiful children. God first chose to bless us with a daughter, then decided to give us a double blessing with twin boys. I am very proud of all three of them!

I have wonderful parents and one brother. Visit my brother & his new bride. They were married on June 24, 2000.

My husband and I are currently working with the youth at the church we attend, Shady Grove UPC. They are a sincere group of young people that love God, and it is our pleasure to have the opportunity to touch their lives in this capacity.

My husband owns his own business and I am presently homeschooling our daughter, so needless to say, I stay pretty busy! However, I do have a few hobbies. My main enjoyment comes from playing the piano and gospel music. I love to cook, read and sew and now that I'm learning a little bit about designing web pages I think that it will be added to my list. Speaking of cooking....visit my Recipe page and check out some of my recipes.

Please visit my favorite sites while you're here....and oh, yes! Be sure and visit my friend Angie, as she is the one most responsible for getting me hooked on this! :) Thanks, Angie, for your patience and assistance. I couldn't have done it without you!

Hope you will take a minute to sign my guest book before you leave. If you have a family friendly site, please visit my banner page and take one of my banners to post on your site. Kindly return the favor by leaving yours.

Do stop by again soon and visit. Have a wonderful day!

Laughter, a page dedicated to lighten the stress of everyday living....sit back and enjoy some of the humorous articles that I have come across and those that have been sent to me by freinds on the web.

Brandi's Page, Michael & Matthew's Page

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