[Guiding in Portsmouth]
[The Guide Association]
Added 29-May-99
There are still dates available for late bookings in August. For more information contact Jacqui Hutchins
Sandy Acres is a Guide campsite owned by the three Portsmouth Guide Divisions and situated in the Hampshire countryside near Wickham. It once was a sand pit, hence the name and the light sandy soil. This soil means it is an ideal place for rabbits to live.
This year Guides have travelled from Basingstoke and all over Hampshire, as well as Portsmouth to use the campsite.
Outdoor facilities
Three campsites suitable for Unit Guide camps, plus other smaller sites suitable for lightweight camping.
- water supply
- altar fire places
- solid shelters
- campfire circle
- chemical toilet waste disposal
- flat sites
Indoor facilities
Suitable for Brownie Pack Holiday, or Guide or Ranger Indoor Holiday.
- hot and cold running water
- shower
- equipped kitchen
- separate rooms for leaders
- heating
- tables and chairs
Local attractions include Wickham Vineyeard, Bishops Waltham Palace and the rare breeds farm at Waltham Chase. Suitable places for days out include Marwell Zoo, the Isle of Wight or the cities of Portsmouth, Winchester or Southampton.
Facilities for adventurous activities are also available locally, although not at Sandy Acres.
For further information email Jacqui Hutchins
[Guiding in Portsmouth]
[Guide Association]
This page is maintained by Lesley Adams
Email: adamsl@cmd.port.ac.uk
Last updated: 29 Apr 1999
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