Resources for Guiding Activities |
Under Continuous Construction...
[Exploring the Arts]
[Enjoying the Out of Doors]
[Keep Fit]
[Thinking for Yourself]
[Getting to know you]
[Becoming a homemaker]
[Keeping the Guide Law]
[Giving Service]
The Resources found in this section are from Guiding, Scouting and neither. They are, however, all relevant to the programme in Guiding, whether they will be useful for finishing a badge, Thinking Day, the annual Guide Camp, or just having fun. Most of them have come from my searching the WWW for ideas for meetings, and, where possible, I've organised them into sections according to the Eight Point programme.
There are also other sections of links, listed on this page, which don't really fall in any of the Eight Points, but neverthelsss maybe useful links when planning your programme.
Please let me know at adamsl@cmd.port.ac.uk if you think there are other resources which should be included in these pages.
External links
Days Out
- Brownsea Island" (where the first Scout Camp was helf in 1907), in Poole Harbour, Dorset, U.K.
- Drayton Manor Park and Zoo: Theme Park and Zoo near Birmingham, U.K.
- Guide Heritage Centre, nr. CHQ, London, U.K.
- Thorpe Park: Britain's First Adventure Theme Park, in Chertsey, Surrey, U.K.
Other Resource Centres
[Guiding in Portsmouth]
[The Guide Association]
This page is maintained by Lesley Adams
Email: adamsl@cmd.port.ac.uk
Last updated: 08 Sep 99