Portsmouth South Division Guides

Division Commissioner: Joan Goble
under construction...
[Guiding in Portsmouth] [The Guide Association]

So far this page does not tell you too much about the Division, but keep coming back because I might find time to update it at some point.

Where to find us

Map of South Portsmouth

The city of Portsmouth is divided into three Divisions, and Portsmouth South (for those of you who know Portsmouth) is approximately the area south of Lake Road.

The Division is divided into three Districts:

  • Milton
  • Southsea
  • Victory

    The Ranger Unit is a Division Unit drawing girls from the whole of Portsmouth South and further afield.

    Portsmouth South also has a Trefoil Guild.
    The Trefoil Guild is a non-uniformed part of the Guide Association which brings together people with an interest in Guiding for fun and friendship.

    Could you be a Guider?


    Added 10-Sep-99

    Portsmouth South Division Camp was held 16-18 July-99. A report is now available.

    Added 10-May-99

    Portsmouth South Division Netball team won the County Netball competition in a nail-biting final against Titchfield Division on Saturday 8-May-99. Congratulations to all concerned!

    Division Report 1998

    It has become a bit of a habit to start the Division Report with "I can't believe a year has gone by since the last AGM!" If we look at the calendar one year has passed, 12 months, 365 days... If we think about Portsmouth South's Guiding year we wonder how it fitted into those 365 days. So many activities, so many outings, trainings, trips - it seems impossible that there were only 365 days in the last year.

    We all know what Guides, Brownies and Rainbows are capable of, but let me tell you about a few of the things that went on in our Division during the last year.

    We started the period of this report with a small but happy bad setting off for Westminster Central Hall to attend the Thinking Day Service. It was a pleasant surprise to be entertained by Catisfield Division who had been drafted in at short notice and were centre stage for part of the service. I can assure you they represented Hampshire East very well and made us all feel proud of being part of the County.

    Investigate '98 was a great success with Guiders trying out the Internet, Radio Communications, hanging over banisters trying to fly mini-parachutes, blowing up film canisters and generally making a mess...However reports from the College say the college staff that arrived early to clear up were astounded to see everything clean, tidy and in its rightful place. Guiders are wonderful people aren't they?

    Whilst on the subject of Guiders, that band of dedicated, responsible women always willing to take on a challenge and responsive to any situation that may fall into their laps - picture this... 1 Division Commissioner, 3 District Commissioners, various ex-commissioners and Guiders of high standing belting around Foxlease screaming and running away in case the Lady with the Green Hat and face mask took away their credits! All in the name of Guiding of course - in this case a Division weekend. We look forward to next year's weekend with baited breath.

    After many, many months of fruitless trying to find a Commissioner for Highland District, our Commissioners for Milton, Southsea and Victory agreed to "baby-sit" Highland's units. It has been decided that because of financial and administrative problems this situation has become more permanent and the units have become members of the respective districts. Hopefully someone looking for a District to run will come bounding into Portsmouth one day and we can revert back to four Districts. I know the units have been warmly welcomed and hope there will be man y fruitful liaisons.

    It was with great sadness that Milton District learned of the death of Mary Brown, their President, who will be greatly missed but I am sure she would be delighted to know that there are 8 new Guiders in Milton District. The University has provided several new adult leaders, if only on a temporary basis, for several units in the Division. We hope to continue our ties with the University and hopefully expand the students' interest in our local units.

    The Netball Tournament was well attended and enjoyed with enthusiasm and Guides have enjoyed camping, walking and even barbecues on our beach. Victory District units have been part of the Thinking Day Postcard exchange - the response has been from USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Barbados and even Britain. Guides have completed and received BP-Awards and have become Young Leaders and have been invaluable to Guiders throughout the Division. A Ranger Unit has started at All Saints' Church, if your older Guides are interested, but a little shy, perhaps you could arrange for the Rangers to visit you.
    Guides from Southsea District passed their Radio Communications badge, speaking to people from Japan, Russia and Wickham.

    Guides, Brownies and Adult Leaders sang their hearts out in Southsea Precinct and raised over £130.00 for the Lord Mayor's Appeal. Guides, Brownies, Rainbows and Adult Leaders became flowers and gardeners to pronounce "Happiness is Springtime" from a float in the Lord Mayor's Parade.

    Brownies had revels and went on day trips to pantomimes and it seems everybody did something for Blue Peter's Bring and Buy appeal. Rainbows had Teddy Bear Picnics and faces painted at Sandy Acres. There was an open day at Sandy Acres in May and there will be a Division Camp in July.

    I am sorry if I've left out any of the activities but rest assured everybody who does something in the name of Guiding from Rainbow to Trefoil is keeping the Guiding Light shining.

    Looking to the future sees Portsmouth hosting the South West region AGM in July. a Ranger and two Guiders from the Division have been selected to attend the World Camp at Foxlease and Portsmouth Cathedral will host the County Thinking Day Service next year. Between now and the next report we will enter the next Millennium.

    Ot only remains for me to say "Thank You" to everyone who gives their time to the Guide Association, too many to mention, but without whom we could not function. With this sentiment in mind I close this report of 1998 with great excitement for what is going to be a very busy 1999 and 2000.

    Joan Goble
    Division Commissioner

    [Guiding in Portsmouth] [The Guide Association]

    This page is maintained by Lesley Adams
    Email: Lesley.adams@port.ac.uk
    Page last updated: 26 May 1999
    Any reference to the Guide Association and WAGGGS are copyright of the Guide Association and may only be used for valid Guiding activities.
    Although care has been taken in writing this page, this does not guarantee its accuracy.
    The contents of this page may not reflect the opinions of the Guide Association.