
Thank you LadyJ for this beautiful tribute to my son

click to have one made for your loved one


~  I would like to introduce to you my son  ~

Nicholas (Nik) David Diaz

January 6, 1979 ~ November 26, 1997

I Miss You!

Nothing is the same, because I miss you!
I can't sleep at night, because I miss you!
Keeping you in my heart, I'll still miss you!

Iopen my eyes, and I miss you!

My heart aches so bad, because I miss you!
I cry every day, because I miss you!
Sadness is all I know, because I miss you!
Since you've been gone, how I've missed you!

Yes! everyday, I will miss you!
Only God knows how I miss you!
Until we meet again, I will miss you!

"And, I will always love you"


"The waterfall is a symbol of the
tears I've shed for you my son"

I adopted this angel spirit bear in memory of my son's spirit for life,
and the big bear hugs he used to give me

If you wish to adopt one of your own, click on the globe

Soldier To The End

You were on your way to finding your way,
I never thought for one second here you would lay.

Youngest of the bunch, but still a strong link in the chain.
Grew a brother like relationship with you that's why this
brings me so much pain.

When we were kids we had our fun, and yes our problems too,
never raised our hands to each other because going to your
mom was the right thing to do.

As I look back you were trying to hold your own,
because you were "Big Nick" and you had to prove
to us you were grown.

You were on your way to becoming a man,
then your first obstacle in life,
but you overlooked that and kept on going
and accomplished all you could.

You said to yourself, "if I get through this
I'll leave this state, knock on wood."

Then some person wants to play GOD
and take your life that night.
When I play that phone call back in my head
I hoped what I was hearing wasn't right.

But now I know safe with him is where you're gonna be,
one more ANGEL from the heavens looking over me.

So with memories in my heart, and a vision of you
always in my head.
You "Nicholas David Diaz were a Soldier to
The End."

BY: Angel Lopez

This Angel Star was lit in memory of my son

Click on the star to light one for your angel





{c}1999 Clara Diaz

midi: I will Always Love You