Bond is back!

I love going to the movies. I believe it is the ultimate art form. It combines, music, color, motion, sound into a dazzling symphony of emotion. I find almost all movies are best viewed in a movie theater, watching Dances with Wolves or just isn't the same on a small screen. Also one doesn't see the effect on a crowd of the great movie. I remember turning to look at other members of the audience during Schindler's list and seeing their faces just full of horror. Who can forget that movie. Also during Mission Impossible, in the Vault scene, as soon as Tom Cruise says "..from now on Complete Silence" the whole movie theater was deadly quiet. You could have heard a pin drop.

My 10 all time favorite movies in order of preference are listed below. I've used a system of rating for some of the movies. There are some movies my wife has walked out of they are so disturbing (D) , realistically violent (V), or have violence against women (R ).

These aren't the world's best movies but they are good. I recommend them to anyone. I tried to include some movies from a variety of genres, drama, crime, comedy etc. but this list is just the films I enjoy.


Why I love 'em

Dances with Wolves Just a beautiful story in a beautiful location. If you didn't see it at the theater you missed out
Schindler's List It's like watching something you hate happen and you know it's all true and it's all really happening.

D, V.

12 Monkeys A look at the future and at madness, everyone acts their pants off


HeatGreat crime and action flick
The Godfather Everyone acts their pants off, it is believable. Book is even better
The Return of the Pink Panther Funniest movie ever. I fell off the sofa laughing and had sore laughing muscles for days
SleepersModern slap stick. As funny as above
UnforgivenIt was horrible being Clint, but it was who he was

D, R

The Fisherking A great happy movie
The Mission Amazing story, book is even better

There are many more that just didn't quite make it…. Raiders of the lost ark, Lost boy's, Angel Heart, Pulp Fiction, ….

To find out more about movies, go to the Internet Movie Database. It has everything !!!

I really enjoy dramas, slapstick comedy, crime, westerns, good action movies.

My favorite actors are, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis, Sharon Stone, Wiona Rider, Uma Thurman, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner..