
I love reading books. TV and movies are good but books are the best. With books you get a first person perspective. You get to see a persons thoughts. You get to see the impossible and the unlikely.

Books can be beautiful, they can smell nice and have pictures. They make great gifts. Books have inherent advantages over other media, you can read them any where. They are very portable, rugged and reliable. They last, for centuries if well looked after. The basic technology is very simple.

What kind of books do you read ?? I read all kinds of books. The library is the best place for books, don't buy unless you love them. Cultivate a librarian, join. Learn to look up stuff. Take out books. When you find an author you like read all his books.

Fiction books I enjoy are usually thrillers, adventure, romance, spy, mystery, science fiction etc. I love reading. When I relax, I read. When I 'm reading a good book I don't stop.

My 10 favorite books of all time

Book Title
Why I love 'em
Precious BaneMary Webb True romance, that dream within a dream
Without RemorseTom Clancy A Navy SEAL takes out DC drug dudes.
Red DragonThomas Harris You thought Hannibal the Cannibal was bad ass in "Silence of the Lambs" ?? Wait till you read this......
TreasonOrson Scott Card Great fantasy, adventure
The Night ManagerJohn le Carre Soldier turns spy to get an arms dealer
Arc lightEric Harry What may happen when the world has a nuclear war. Very scarey. I had to put it down after reading the first 100 pages it was that scarey
MinotorSteven Coonts There's a spy in the Pentagon......
Eye of the NeedleKen Follet German spy in Britain does his thing...
GodfatherMario Puzio The movie was good, this is better.
The Moon is a BallonDavid Niven Wonderful autobiography, of Hollywood in its heyday.

That was a hard list to compile!!!!!