
franchi 48

If you are interested in shooting I encourage you to contact the NRA and ask them about their firearms safety classes. Safety must always be foremost with any firearm.

Best place to find out information about firearms, link pages and organizations is the rec.guns newsgroups FAQ WWW page. An excellent source of information.

I started shooting by joining the Clay pigeon shooting club at Aberystwyth university, and since coming to America have expanded my shooting interests to pistol and rifle. However I still prefer the shotgunning sports. I enjoy clay target most of all but do also like trap and skeet. A great way to spend an afternoon. You must watch out though as shooting is very addictive, is expensive and can be dangerous. Above all be safe.

I recommend shooting a .22 (either pistol or rifle) as they are cheap, easy to master regarding recoil and pleasurable.

The three golden rules of shooting

  1. All guns are always loaded
  2. Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

With all this in mind shooting is very relaxing. A good way to spend time in the country, a precise, skill sport enjoyable to all sexes and all ages and a good social event (you don't shoot all the time, it's too expensive !!!)