The Formal Gardens of Genesis' Seaside Manor

Hello, dear friends and guests - and welcome to the serene and tranquil oasis

that Master and I share in the gardens of Genesis' Seaside Manor!  Gardening

is a longstanding passion of mine, and I have found immense pleasure in

  fashioning these botanical places of peace and solace for our virtual home.  

We do hope they bring you the peace and joy that we find strolling hand in

hand along the paths that wend their way first through the formal gardens,

then the rose arbors, and finally the fountains and woodland gardens of

Master's Realm. Feel free to come here anytime you fancy - and to bring

along a companion if you like. You are always welcome to wander these

grounds to your heart's content  - regardless of whether or not we are at

home.  Rest awhile or  wander and explore to your heart's content - perhaps

contemplating, as Master and I often do, the beauty, artistry, and sheer magic

that God bestows upon the heart of every man who takes the time to stop and

smell the roses.

Master Genesis & Lady Recherche


Images Copywright 1999 ~"JRandy"~All Rights Reserved

Follow the path to the Rose Garden...

To enter the Rose Garden, click on the fountain below!


Click Here to Visit the Rose Gardens

Click Here to Visit the Hedge and Fountains Gardens

Click here to Visit The Perennial and Woodland Gardens

Visit the Rooms of Genesis Seaside Manor

View the poetry and pages of Lady Recherche

See the Breathaking Photography Pages of JRandy

Page Created May 22, 1999 for My Beloved Master Genesis


Visit us again soon!

Special Thanks to JRandy for Permission to Use His Beautiful Work!