I am exploring my heritage....and have found
some excellent sites and information regarding
Native Americans history and issues. I am just
learning about and have just begun my journey into my
Native American heritage. So please bear with me
and I will share what I learn with you.
What I have learned so far...
My great grandmother was born in/around
Wilbur, Oregon (Douglas Co.). I researched
the area and found that Wilbur, OR is near
where three rivers meet, Cow Creek. I have
since found some FANTASTIC information of the
Native Americans who lived in this area. Their
story is very sad....as most Native American stories
are!! They are the Umpquas.
The Umpqua Native Americans were 'a peaceful people
who were faced with an invasion by a society that
was overwhelmingly hostile and greedy and destructive
of the Indian way of life'.
But, my g/grandmother's parents were from Massachusetts.
So, I need to look for Eastern Native tribes
to find my Native ancestry.
I also had my DNA tested and found out
that I have 12% SSA (Sub Saharan African)
blood.... so it looks like I'm in search
of a Black Indian Tribe. Which, there are some
from where in Massachusetts my ancestors come from.
This info has now made me a tri-racial
or multi-racial American. Needless to say,
quite a shock to me & my family as no one
has mentioned any of this. But, that's not
surprising due to the very poor (to say the least)
treatment that has been visited upon my ancestors!
Irish, Native Americans and Africans....
ALL sold as slaves, ALL treated as second hand
(at BEST) citizens and ALL had their families,
their cultures and their own identities taken
cruelly from them at the hands of the Europeans
that got what they wanted from them and then
dismissed them with no more than a kick
given at a dying stray dog along the ditch (if they
were THAT lucky!).I'll write more as I find my ancestors!

Taken by my new toy, a web cam on 3/21/00.
I'm in the process of tracing down documents and
will update as I find more information!
May PEACE be with you always, my friend!

Native American Resources
The American Local History Network
This is a marvelous site on the history of the Native
Americans that live/d in Oregon. This is also where
I found the clickable map. Excellent history information.

American Indian Heritage Foundation
This is wonderful site with lots of information on
the NorthWest Tribes. A resource library, Tribal directory
and a listing of contacts for each tribe are just a few of
the excellent information this site offers.

Native American Languages
A page of MANY links that deal with the issues
of Native American Languages.

Teaching Indigenous Languages
Another site dealing with Native American Language issues.

~Cherokee Country~
An OUTSTANDING site. Mostly Cherokee based, but there
is other Native American information as well! A MUST SEE!!

Native Reflections
A great site dealing with Native American artworks.

Bear Spirit Calls To You ~
Bear is spirit keeper of the West, the place of
darkness, maturity and good harvest. Bears are
active during the night and day. This
symbolizes its connection with solar energy,
that of strength and power, and lunar energy,
that of intuition. The bear holds the teachings
of introspection. When it shows up in your life
pay attention to how you think, act and
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
*Communication with Spirit
*Birth and rebirth
*Astral travel
*Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
*Defense and revenge

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'll be adding more links soon!!

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Song playing is 'The Color of the Wind'.