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TwinRivers Single Sideband Association

Friendship Through Communication

Better understanding through communications

Thanks to TR632's Daughter for the logo

  Twin Rivers Single Sideband Association is a Central Iowa based radio organization.
First organised in 1992 for the purpose of constructive relationships and betterment of ourselves through the use of single sideband operation.
We hold weekly net meetings every Saturday and Tuesday at 8:00 pm CST on channel 39 (27.395 mhz) lower sideband.
We maintain coordinators through out the state and welcome local guest check-in's.

We hope to hear you out there.

  Please follow our pages and learn more about us and view our Swap Shop page to see what our members have for sale.

What: Twin Rivers Annual Break When: February 25, 2007 Where: American Legion Hall, Mitchellville, Ia. Start time: 10:30 AM Dinner: 12:30 PM Voting: 2:00 PM for officers Notes: Al & Viki will furnish and make ham & beans along with cornbread this has always been the greatist - Please bring a desert and or salad to help balance the meal - Please bring your own table setting and soft drink - Please bring your radio junk as it can be another man's treasure because there will be a swap table set up - lower side of channel 39 will be monitored The Twin Rivers Sideband Assoc.

We would like to hear your feedback. ! Any comments?