Belle.... My bestest pal in the whole galaxy... She is funny, witty, smart, absolutely gorgeous, and holds a huge place in my heart. She is there to laugh with me, cry with me, and get thru life with me. I love you baby! {{{{{{{{BIGGESTSQUEEZINGHUGSEVER}}}}}}}Now let's get back to that Vampire Hunting!
This is JessiLee~*. There aren't any words that I can find that will do her justice. She is smart, sweet, beautiful... inside and out, a friend I cannot live without. She doesn't judge you, and is always there to listen no matter what. And when you are down and need a laugh to cheer you up.. she is there without hesitation. She deserves only the very best in life and I can only hope that I can be as good a friend to her as she is to me. {{{{{{{{HUGEHUGONKAS}}}}}} SMOOOOOOOCHHHHHH! I love you babe!
There are sooo many other great friends I would like to add, and when I get the chance I will continue adding them. I hope I never come to the point where I can't add anymore! *S*
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