Internet Friends

My Chat Story
All my friends far and near, we used to party, it was always Bring Your Own Beer
The days are gone, I'm sorry to say, when I could have fun, they've all gone away
In the morning, at lunch, and every eve, the amount of chatters you wouldn't believe
Each one has their own story to tell, I'm happy to say all are alive and well
Sheeba is the one that got me online, the ppl I'd meet she said were fine
Making friends wasn't the plan, from all over the world, true and grand
The course of my life is changed forever, leaving these friends I will never
A story of friends and enemies I made, another life I would not trade
A Newby in chat, I had not a clue, I can't keep up, I don't know what to do
I didn't have a nic, Sheeba said use your name, Kelley was in use, the two tildas was my fame
I remember so clear the first ppl I met, Culprit, Candi*, Sultan, Sadie and Scarlet
I had so much fun, never laughed more, I felt I fit in, this I knew for sure
Then the day came, my life would never be the same
An ICQ saying "This one you should keep", my best friend I soon would reap
Life in chat, I became consumed, a new identity I assumed
Finding my nic from an inanimate friend, ~~AngelEyes did ascend
Living far from my family and friends, being alone, I made ammends
My chatting friends filled the void, Living online my course deployed
My Darling Azrael, spent our days and nights together, to us it was forever
Chat was filled with anger and sorrow, can't get to chat, wait till tomorrow
Four best friends depart with pain, chatting will never be the same
Deception now rules the heart, vengence forshadows chat friends ripped apart
If you are lucky you won't have to decide, what fate will override
Steels floods cannot compare, to the future chatters despair
Answers never to be found, hold tight to your friends and stand your ground
Each one of us believing our feelings were true, pain that is caused will never subdue
When a birthday came the parties begun, I was Candi's present, gawd that was fun
The Golden Chatters came out to play, and the parties continued into the next day
Re-writing fairy tales, lookin for a prince, chatters become real, my cognizance
Playing match-game, hosted by Uncle Chip, laughing too hard, my side I would grip
Going days on end with not even a nap, addicted to chat, getting a bad rap
Board wars came and went, with a panel hack their circumvent
Chatters coming to the States and parties planned, need to reset your IP, you've been banned
Moni and Arma, aka Mom and Dad, accepted me as family, Arma was said to be cad
There are many lessons to be learned, a hard one for me was "loyalty has to be earned"
Impelled with untruths, swimming in pain, vengeance our goal, not a thing to gain
One day in chat, I will never forget, PartyGal sent a message, the day we really met
We always laughed and got along, a friendship developed over an Ozzy song
She gave me perspective, and taught me life's lessons, and now I'm counting my blessings
Instead of listening to unveritable lies, consumed with anger, she heard my cries
Azrael, Moni, Robin, and Sheeba came, Chicago will never be the same
Off to Ozzfest with PG, I showed up she couldn't believe, the partyin' we did you can't conceive
The family started a business, funded by me, PG and Sheeba came to visit, along with Moni
Azrael was torn between two, or three, he couldn't decide if he wanted me, runs in the family
The Angels were torn, shoot the moon, how was I to know what would happen soon
My world turned upside down, the business fallacious, what they did to me malicious
Crime of law, a class A felony, the moral to this story.... careful who you call family

Written by Kelley (~~AngelEyes)

My girlio Sheeba... The person I am forever in debt to for introducing me to all the great friends I have met on the internet. Something I treasure in a friendship is the ability to grow from each other. I am thankful to have a friend that I can say I have grown and learned a lot from!Here's to more dancing on the bar at the Baja Beach Club and bustin it up at the Hard Rock Cafe to come! You Rock! {{{{{{{{LOVESANDHUGSSHEILA}}}}}}}

'^PartyGal^'!!!!!!!!!!! The summer of 1999... I came to know this special friend of mine. We laugh together, and we cry together, and we will party forever. You walked into my life and enriched it in ways I never thought were possible. I cherrish your friendship. Love you! {{{{{{{{{JUMPINGUPANDDOWNPARTYINSQUEEZINHUGS}}}}}}}}}

Belle.... My bestest pal in the whole galaxy... She is funny, witty, smart, absolutely gorgeous, and holds a huge place in my heart. She is there to laugh with me, cry with me, and get thru life with me. I love you baby! {{{{{{{{BIGGESTSQUEEZINGHUGSEVER}}}}}}}Now let's get back to that Vampire Hunting!

This is JessiLee~*. There aren't any words that I can find that will do her justice. She is smart, sweet, beautiful... inside and out, a friend I cannot live without. She doesn't judge you, and is always there to listen no matter what. And when you are down and need a laugh to cheer you up.. she is there without hesitation. She deserves only the very best in life and I can only hope that I can be as good a friend to her as she is to me. {{{{{{{{HUGEHUGONKAS}}}}}} SMOOOOOOOCHHHHHH! I love you babe!

Ronni!!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{DAUGHTER}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I love ya hun! Ronni is is so sweet, funny, loving and caring. The greatest friend you could come to know (she gets that from her father :-) ) but don't upset this girl cause she will tear you to pieces and spit you out like spoiled milk! (heheheh she gets that from her mother!) ahahaahha Love you Ronni! you are the best Daughter I could dream of!

Birdy!!!! Okay he goes by MagicMan now... but I will always call him Birdy! LOL We spent many late nights talking, laughing, and helping each other thru some hard times. I will always cherrish our friendship Birdy. {{{{{{{{LOVEYAHUGEHUGS}}}}}}}}

~Aaron! My best body jello shot victim! He is a sweety. He is always there, livening up chat, keeping it interesting! {{{{{{{{SMOOOOOOOOCHESAARONLOVEYA}}}}}}}}} I hope you are blessed with all the happiness you deserve!

{{{{{{{{{{PSYCHOBABE}}}}}}}}}} LUIGI!!!! Can't wait to come see you and have that go cart race! Psycho is the awesomeist! (is that a word? LOL) Thanks Psycho for always being there to make me laugh. Love them hugs hun. Never a dull moment when you are in chat. Darn it one day I will win the Match Game too! LOL {{{{{{{{{HUGELOVEYOUSQUEEZINGHUGS}}}}}}}}}

There are sooo many other great friends I would like to add, and when I get the chance I will continue adding them. I hope I never come to the point where I can't add anymore! *S* Friends Links

As the Zone Turns
Sheila's Web Page
Hitmans Homepage
WiCkEd FaMiLy
Crazy/RulleyDude's Domain and Chat

Meet Trevor James
For the Love of Wolves

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