This page is for Jon, Michael and Andrew by their mom. Here's our picture being Junior Bird Men!
Check out what Jon and Michael are having for lunch this week at their school.
We had a big house fire! Go here to see what happened.
Our Daddy has a neat job catching animals and he is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. He's brought home different baby animals that we helped take care of. When they get big enough, we let them go. Jon and Michael have dropper feed baby bats, oppossums, raccoons, and squirrels. We also had some barn owls. Their mommies have to teach them how to hunt, so we couldn't let them go, 'cause they didn't know how to hunt and couldn't fend for themselves. We kept them for years.
Bats! Our Daddy knows a lot about bats. He helps people get bats out of their houses. Sometimes he goes places (like libraries and garden clubs) to tell people about bats. Some people are afraid of bats - that's silly! Did you know we wouldn't have bananas without bats? We think bats are very cool! Go here for Bat Conservation International. This place has cool and fun info on bats of all kinds, including pictures and activities for kids. Also, here's an article our mom and dad wrote about bats in houses.
Links to other sites on the Web
John's Word Search Puzzles
Zoo Atlanta
You Can with Beakman and Jax