JerseyConnect logo


Thank you for finding your way to this web page - I'll now try to anticipate some questions...

What's JerseyConnect?

It's a mailing list. It's FREE. You subscribe, and then every day you'll receive an e-mail digest containing postings from other subscribers. You can un-subscribe at any time.

JerseyConnect (provided by YahooGroups is intended to be a convenient way for islanders to keep in touch, and discuss the state of "the rock". The beauty of mailing lists is that hopefully every day when you log in you'll receive a shed-load of useful information, interesting discussion, witty banter etc.

Optionally, you can just receive every posted message as and when it's received, rather than wait until the digest's sent the next day.

Who's JerseyConnect for?

Anyone and everyone is welcome. While the focus is on Jersey (English Channel Islands) I'm not intending JerseyConnect to be limited to just us islanders. If you've moved away to an alternative part of the world, or even if you've never set foot on the island, you're still more than welcome to take part.

How's it going?

The idea at the moment is to get as many members as we can. Once a sufficient number have joined to make the service worthwile, it will gather it's own momentum. It's early days yet - we need more members for the true potential to be realised. If you're wondering whether to join or not, I'd say you've nothing to lose. If you join now, you will not be bothered by many messages (if any) until things get going, but you'll be ready. Please don't give up - email is so very easy to delete.

And if and when you're ever overwhelmed by emails, please remember you can set your account to deliver just ONE DIGEST per day instead, or even turn off the mailings and access JerseyConnect over the Web when it's convenient for you. You can choose, you have control. Thanks in advance for your support.

What are the rules?

NEWS : You are free to post items of news, upcoming events etc.
DEBATE : Please discuss local issues, the waterfront, housing, the States etc.
Q&A : Ask questions and hope that someone knowledgeable will provide the answer you require.

Overall, the idea is to compliment the JEP, providing those of us who are interested in the island with a service to keep us all informed. Almost like a newspaper of sorts, delivered via e-mail, and written BY the people FOR the people.

You may feel that discussing local politics on JerseyConnect would be pointless - but you might find that the more switched-on politicians and activists join in too. We'll see! We may even be able to compile a list of email addresses for direct contact with relevant parties, so that you can make your point.

While JerseyConnect could technically be used for classified ads, I must lay down the law now to ban such use. Such postings will be deleted, with the user who posted the item being warned and then removed from the group upon any similar offence. Sorry - but other sites are better places for all that.

The one exception I'll allow, as far as classifieds go, is personal introductions. You see, I've every sympathy for those who find meeting like-minded souls a touch difficult. On JerseyConnect you'll be quite welcome to "advertise" yourself. I take NO RESPONSIBILTY AT ALL for anything that may happen, it's ALL UP TO YOU. I would strongly advise subscribing to JerseyConnect with an anonymous e-mail account (such as those offered by Hotmail, AltaVista etc). This would be like having a Box Number at the local paper. If you attempt a blind date, the usual precautions should be taken, meet in a public place etc. Hopefully, any "introductions" that may happen will be less "forced" in nature, having attracted friendship via your witty writing on various subjects.

The obvious limitations apply, no slander/libel, no bad language, nothing illegal etc! I'll do my best to keep an eye on bad postings, to remove them hopefully in time to keep them out of any digests. I cannot, however, monitor full-time - I'm at the office to work! So if you've set your account for messages as they arrive (rather than digests) please be aware of this limitation. I will also not tolerate abusive flame wars.

Example posting suggestions

These sorts of things are along the lines of what I'm hoping for...

Good Morning Everyone,

If you like fireworks, there's going to be a private display at 
La rue des grandes noms de routes on Saturday at about 9-ish.


Hi all,

Does anyone else think adding flouride to our water is a horrendous
case of the nanny state knowing best? And worse - they don't! It's
a poison and I don't want it coming out of my taps.
What kind of democracy is this when we don't have any say in matters
that directly affect us? Why on Earth should I bother voting when
they're all as bad as each other and they ignore what we want?

Mr Peeved, Fauvic

Hello JerseyConnectors,

I was walking down David Place the other day and I noticed a recently
constructed building that actually looked quite pleasant! What a 
change from the usual garbage inflicted upon us from architects who 
simply want to show off, make their mark, do something odd for the
sake of it - and for the admiration of their peers. Does anyone know
how this unusually eye-pleasing building came to be?

[this is not a template - but the ideal example YOU'd like to see!]

Hullo peeps,

Lonely hearts section...   fit young dude / awesome babe  (delete
as applicable!), 21, seeks boundless fun. Interests include (insert
your favourite interests here) and I like people who are (insert
description of yourself here). I have stacks of Daddy's cash and
need your help to have a great time spending it...

Please reply to - thanks

... I guess it could even be used for lost cats too! Or even dolphin sightings.

Why a mailing list?

I have to admit that message boards (forums) such as those at JerseyWeb, JerseyHols, JerseyMag etc. can be quite handy for the kind of messages that I am hoping for here, BUT I still think that a mailing list is better. Once you've got your mail you don't need to fire up a web-browser, AND there may be plenty of local employees who have email but no access to the web for "surfing". Sending an email is much easier than faffing about with slow-to-update web pages, especially those where you need to register and log in. If you send to the list you'll know everyone will get the message, unlike a web-based system which they actively have to visit. Non-members can still see what's going on by visiting our YahooGroup's web-site. We may even arrange a re-directing email address at some point which would allow non-members to post to the list, so long as it isn't abused.

How do I subscribe to JerseyConnect?

Sending an e-mail to will arrange your subscription. (I would have made that a click-able link, but you might want to consider using a more anonymous web-based free email service)

or alternatively :

click to subscribe to jerseyconnect

You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your intention to join. The mail will explain what you'll need to do - you can reply to the mail OR visit a special web-address - the URL contains your details.

How do I make a posting?

Once you're a member, simply e-mail to - that's it!

The web interface...

The YahooGroups webpages for controlling your suscription and viewing messages are available on the web at

Help for YahooGroups : Please consult their assistance pages at

(the list started on eGroups, moved to ONElist, and then the two services merged together and used the eGroups name! Then Yahoo took over, as they did with GeoCities)

If you joined via eGroups, you may continue to contibute, join or leave via email - the @egroups has changed to @yahoogroups but both still work.

If you don't wish to use the web-site for JerseyConnect access you can do nothing and you'll still receive JerseyConnect via email.

Otherwise, to use the website you'll now need a Yahoo login I.D. - previously you'd sign in with your email address and password. These old I.D.s need to be 'converted' to new Yahoo I.D.s! You may already have a Yahoo or Geocities I.D., which makes things slightly easier, but in any case the steps required are not difficult.

The easiest way to convert I.D.s is with an existing Yahoo I.D., or go to and create a new account FIRST. You can select a user name, password etc which will give you access to the old eGroups, Yahoo Clubs (discussion forums), Geocities free web-space, and more. Go to and follow 'Sign me up!' to get an account.

Once you have a Yahoo I.D., it will be easier to convert your old eGroups login, as you'll already have a new I.D. to enter during the simple conversion process. From the site (top of this page) follow the 'sign in' link and the signing-in page will have a 'Click here to convert' link.

JerseyConnect - the Management

I, as list manager, reserve to right to un-scribe and ban anyone who upsets the applecart - the obvious limitations apply, no slander, no bad language, nothing illegal etc!
And who am I? I'll remain a little anonymous, if you don't mind, but you can call me Andy J.

Argh! Leave me alone!

If you need to un-subscribe... aw, surely not... but if you really must... consult the YahooGroups website OR send an email from your relevant mail account to - we hope you don't.


JerseyConnect was established on the 23rd September, 1999. It may well take quite some time to reach critical mass. If there's not much going on, please don't despair - it could well pick up...

JerseyConnect - Great!

JerseyConnect COULD be great... if it catches on - imagine if even half the on-line population of the island (and some overseas too) joined in? That's my dream. Actually, even if it ever manages to make some small difference to ANYONE's life, that'll be cool.

I don't know what to expect, to be honest. If the usual Jersey apathy applies, then this'll crash and burn I suppose. So it's a bit of an experiment really. There is no hidden agenda. I don't personally need any "introductions" of the romantic kind! I want the "service" that JerseyConnect will provide if it's successful - if a better one comes along and steals the limelight that's fine by me!

I do think it would be nice to have a friendly on-line community of interesting islanders though, sharing news and opinions. Also, there are events in Jersey which never make it into the paper, or are only mentioned at the last minute. I've no time to catch TV/radio-based "What's On" spots, I don't even know what time they happen.
Maybe JerseyConnect will take off, maybe it won't... maybe we'll even extend our circle of friends... who knows? To the future! *clink* *glug*

Names that didn't make it...

The name JerseyConnect was a bit of a hasty choice - it was going to be JConnect but that turned out to be a product name somewhere. I had thought of obvious stuff like TheRock, BeansOnline, AhButYesEhDotCom, or even just well known place names such as RoyalSquare or SnowHill. Maybe 90000 would have been suitable, if a little obscure. I really wanted a J for Jersey in there somewhere (J being something of a fave letter of mine too) - in the end I got the whole darn word! I also wanted the emphasis on contact (but that was an old radio station) or the concept of connections without the usual "net" or "web" stuff. So that's how it came to be.

Why are FREE third party services used?

Because they're there! And FREE! I have a couple of ways of accessing the 'net, neither via conventional consumer ISP accounts, therefore I haven't got webspace on any local servers that I could use for this HTML page. Likewise, I've no contacts re: hosting the mailing list locally. Please feel free to make me an offer to change this...

In an ideal world JerseyConnect would have it's own web domain - if any local business would like to sponsor such a thing (if this ever becomes a success) please call me to discuss.

Design a logo! Win nothing!

In the early days of this page, there was the following plea :
"If you're a bit arty, PLEASE feel free to design us a decent logo... we'll be most grateful, and you'll get all the acknowledgement and peer approval you deserve. Ta"
... thankfully Andy designed our JerseyConnect jigsaw logos - thanks!
If you think you can do better, please have a go! I'm sure Andy won't mind... :o)

Logo supplied by Andy Leighton

To get in touch

Email sent to the list owner at (simply remove the snoring anti-spam measure) is forwarded to the owner's email account. UPDATE - I check that account relatively infrequently. You might be better off posting to the list saying you'd like to mail me privately and I'll get in touch. Thanks.

Legal issues

I take full credit for anything good that comes of all this *grin* and the JerseyConnect name is mine, all mine. I distance myself entirely from any bad things that may arise... it's NOT MY FAULT. No. What the subscribers of JerseyConnect do on the list is up to them, and any dire consequences are for them to face.

The line "The list owner(s) are not liable for any content in this post" is added to each posting that comes from YahooGroups ... that says it all, I hope.

I'll make an effort to remove postings that flout my rules (or try and find someone else to take the job) from the Web site (and therefore from digests if I'm in time), but that's where I draw the line of responsibility. By accepting emails directly as they are posted from other members you accept that I cannot intervene at that early stage. That's about it.

Spread the word

If anyone would like to place a small "join JerseyConnect" ad on their own pages... (PLEASE!!) example pics and pieces of HTML code can be found/viewed at ... change the colours of the HTML if you wish.

Have fun...

I hope you enjoy using JerseyConnect!

(c) 1999-2004, Andy J

I wish I could email locals with ...

I was wondering if, as a Jersey resident, you
may be interested in a recently started
mailing list for Jersey people. JerseyConnect
(FREE and non-commercial) is for islanders
(and other interested parties) to allow
discussion of local issues and general Jersey-
based chat, Q&A, news etc.

There is a home page at
for further information.

Many apologies if you regard this message as
"spam", however this is intended to be a
friendly personal invitation even though we
may never have met - and that this is quite
unlike Unsolicited Commericial Email which
is the most often complained about abuse of
the email system.

Furthermore I can assure you that I will not
send email to this address again, but would
very much like to welcome you to JerseyConnect,
please do join and tell as many of your
contacts as you can - together we could make
the Jersey internet experience even more

As explained on the homepage, it is very early
days yet for this mailing list, and we really
need more than the existing handful of members
to get the ball rolling. I hope that you can
see the potential that JerseyConnect has to
unite the community.

Many thanks,

...but when I asked eGroups/ONElist I was told...

You can only send invitations to friends,
family and/or with the members consent.
Thanks for using ONElist! on Earth am I supposed to drum up new members?!

** The website owner(s) are not liable for any content on websites to which this page links **

Members' Web-Sites

Your links can go here!
Rob Gallichan : personal / Channel 103fm

Jersey links

Last updated Spring 2004 - amazing how many old links were broken!

Local JEP News, 103 News, CTV News, and national IRN news, BBC
Weather @ Jersey Met
The tide
Phone Number finder

The Jersey Evening Post, ThisIsJersey
Channel 103fm
TV : What's On BBC, Channel Television, Channel 4
...Ch5, Sky, Astra, Eutelsat, all sat., Teletext
more local radio details, i.e. Radio Lions. Amateur Radio, Jersey CB

Localdial, Cinergy, PSINet/, JT JustConnect (was Freesurf)
C.I. Internet Usergroup Web-Ring

JerseyBoard message board forum
Usenet newgroup
JerseyWeb - and info page
JerseyHols Virtual Jersey
Jersey Net Directory, JerseyInsight, C.I. Directory
C.I.Internet (forum)

Jersey.Gov - links to all dept.s
... e.g. Tourism, Education, The Library
Jersey Information Society Commission
Education : Victoria College
Citizens Advice, Jersey Museums, Société Jersiaise
The CIA's info on us!
Nuclear : Cogema La Hague - webcams etc.
Jersey Zoo

JerseyPost, JEC (Electricity)
Jersey Telecom, Bizwizz - JT's local yellow pages

JerseyConnect is currently operating on a minimal-traffic basis. We are waiting for any publicity that brings us a sufficient number of members to kick things off in style.

Please join now, and be prepared!

Thanks for popping by...


A part of the Channel Islands Internet Usergroup ...
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