The uses of the talents of God’s people make the worship and arts at Central an exciting part of our ministry.  There are many ways for you to get involved. As we praise our God through music and the dramatic arts, God receives the praise and we, as His vessels, are brought closer to HIM.

The music ministry at Central Church has many groups including the Worship Choir and Orchestra, the Worship Team and Praise Band, the Hand Bell Choir, Children’s Choir, Vocal Ensembles, & Vocal and  Instrumental Solos.


The Worship Choir and Orchestra minister at Central on a weekly basis.They rehearse twice each week, including Sunday at 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  The Worship Choir is open to anyone age 15 or above.  No audition is required to be a part of our choir.  The Orchestra rehearses at the same time as the choir.  The Orchestra is open to all people who play an orchestral          instrument and have had musical training.  Since the difficulty of the music varies, consultation with the Worship Pastor is recommended.


The Worship Team is a small vocal ensemble that leads our worship in our first corporate worship service each week. The group rehearses every Saturday morning from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  The Praise Band is a group of musicians that rehearse with the Worship Team.  Since the difficulty of the music varies, consultation with the Worship Pastor is recommended.


The Hand Bell Choir, under the direction of Connie Sjoberg, participate in worship many times throughout the year.  The choir rehearses each Wednesday night at 8:15 p.m.  Please    contact Connie Sjoberg if you are interested in the bells.  Connie can be reached by telephone at 913-328-2839 or by email at dsjoberg@gte.net.


The Children’s Choir consists of children Grade 1 through the Grade 6. The choir, under the direction of Becky Bond and Evelyn Gibbons, rehearses during both morning worship services. 


The dramatic arts take on many forms at Central.  Under the direction of Donald Brasher, the drama team’s ministry has many    opportunities. The drama team rehearses on a weekly basis.They participate in regular drama sketches included in our worship services, 


Welcome to Adult Ministries at Central.  We are excited to help andencourage you to participate in the great variety of activities we offer. For more information, you are welcome to contact any of therepresentatives in our brochure. You may also contact the AdultMinistries Director, Dan Williams, at 913-393-2651.

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Central Church of the Nazarene
12600 W. 87th St. Pkwy Lenexa, KS 66215
Phone (913) 541-2600 Fax (913) 541-0154
Your e-mail's are welcome at: Centralnaz@aol.com

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