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Dinner for Eight
Dinner for Eight is adult groups of eight or more people (couples and singles) who share one meal a month during a three month period. This is a great way to meet others and make new friends. Either an out-to-eat or in-home dinner may be chosen. Groups are also encouraged to enjoy these social meals without children. For more information about Dinner for Eight contact Lydia Goldade at 913-829-0699.
Hispanic Ministries
Beginning on May 7, 2000, Central began a weekly Hispanic Sunday School class. The class is open to persons of all races and ethnicities who are interested in a Hispanic perspective. For more information, contact Mario Zani at
Women’s Bible Study
Wisdom of the Word (WOW) is the Central women’s Bible study. One of the women’s groups meets on Thursday mornings from 9:00-11:00. The other group meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00. Ladies are taught via video and then break into small groups for discussion and prayer. WOW meets September through April. For more information contact Cheralea Williams at 913-393-2651 or CheraleaW@aol.com.
Women’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries at Central sponsors a variety of activities throughout the year. For information about specific activities, please contact the Women’s Ministries Director, Lois Ring, 816-353-2263.
Men’s Bible Study
From Labor Day to Spring Break each year, Central Church provides a mid-week Bible study for men. It is intended to provide men with a time to focus on God, His kingdom, and their place in it, in an atmosphere where growth as a man, a father, a husband, and as a leader are emphasized and discussed. The environment is one of camaraderie and mutual encouragement where strengthening relationships with God and among men is promoted. An open heart, a Bible reading assignment, and a few study questions to promote discussion are the only requirements. For more information, contact Tim McClure at 913-338-1529.
Special seasonal presentations, seasonal and non-seasonal dinner theatre events and dramatic scripture readings. Donald can be reached by telephone at 913-888-8107.