Chloe's first night out at a show is a BIG hit!
and a night we'll never forget.
We are huge fans of Cirque Du Soleil, the people who put on these amazing shows all over the world.  Steve is particularly fond of a show they do called, simply, "O".  Both Mr & Mrs James saw another of their performances in Las Vegas years ago and were just knocked out.  If you haven't already, see ANY of these amazing shows and enjoy a great night out such as 'Saltimbanco'. 
We took a chance that Chloe would stay interested but she loved it!  Clapping along with everyone, watching the trapese artists, the clowns and looking round to get the kids behind her to look and see what she was seeing!
We had a great night out, all FIVE of us....Elmo came allong of course and lorna's holding the camera!