Coffee is grown in the tropical regions of
South America, and when roasted, ground,
and brewed, becomes a flavorful non-caloric
beverage that is often used as a flavoring.

Because coffee is a stimulant it may contribute
to nervous upset and may need to be restricted
for certain people.

I am not one of those people and it is a good thing
because I love my cup of coffee ---
morning, noon and night.

So lets have a cup of coffee
and see what is brewing here.

You know how you like your coffee and
whether it is weak or "strong enough to do chores,"
with or without cream or sugar, you like it that way,
so don't let anyone talk you out of drinking it
the way you like it.

First let's talk coffee makers.

Whatever you make your coffee in it is
imperative to keep it clean. A clean coffee
maker/pot is really easy -- wash it after
every use and keep it clean inside and out.

To clean absolutely all the soap out of a pot
(the perk kind) just fill it with water and add
1 teaspoon of baking soda and run the cycle of
the pot. Clean as a whistle.

To clean a drip maker you should follow the
manufacturers recommendations but generally
that means running a solution of half water
and half white vinegar through the cycle. You need
to do this on a regular basis to avoid buildup that
can damage your coffee maker and prevent you from
having that aroma-filled experience in the morning.

Now that we have all of that out of the way
I would like to share some recipes that use
coffee as an ingredient. Click on that steaming
cup of coffee and you can start cooking.
If you would like a good piece of coffee cake
with your cup of coffee you can click on the
steaming blue cup of coffee.